Lecture 02: General Linear Model

Descriptive Statistics and Basic Statistics

Jihong Zhang*, Ph.D

Educational Statistics and Research Methods (ESRM) Program*

University of Arkansas


Some notes before our class

  1. Vote for delaying class time (to 5:15?) for free parking
  2. The R code I’ll show in the slides is just for illustration. Don’t be worried about hardly following up. We will practice together at the end of each unit.

Learning Objectives

  1. Review Homework 0
  2. Review previous lecture
  3. Unit 1: Descriptive Statistics
    1. Introduce R package – ESRM64503
    2. Univariate Descriptive Statistics
      • Central tendency: Mean, Median, Mode
      • Variation/Spread: Standard deviation (SD), Variance, Range
    3. Bivariate descriptive statistics
      • Correlation
      • Covariance
    4. Types of variable distributions
      • Marginal
      • Joint
      • Conditional
    5. Bias in estimators
  4. Unit 2: General Linear Model

Unit 1: Descriptive Statistics

Homework 0

Question 3

library(tidyverse); library(nycflights13) # install.packages(c("nycflights13", "tidyverse"))
print(flights, width = Inf)

Installation of ESRM64503 package

devtools::install_github("JihongZ/ESRM64503") # Method 1
pak::pak("JihongZ/ESRM64503") # Method 2: Install the Github package
pak::pak("JihongZ/ESRM64503", upgrade = TRUE) # If you already install the package, try to upgrade

Test ESTM64503 Package

package version
devtools::package_info("ESRM64503") # Make sure the version number is 2024.08.20
 package   * version    date (UTC) lib source
 ESRM64503 * 2024.08.20 2024-08-20 [1] Github (JihongZ/ESRM64503@ed78e3d)

 [1] /Users/jihong/Rlibs
 [2] /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/library
homework information
homework() # You can call "homework()" function to access homework info

There will be four homeworks in total for ESRM 64503.
You can work on HW0 now, please click the following link to have access:
Next homework (Homework 1) will be posted on 09/09/2024.
For more details, please refer to

Data Files of ESRM64503

Data dataSexHeightWeight automate loaded
dataSexHeightWeight # You should find data named "dataSexHeightWeight" already loaded 
   id sex heightIN weightLB
1   1   F       56      117
2   2   F       60      125
3   3   F       64      133
4   4   F       68      141
5   5   F       72      149
6   6   F       54      109
7   7   F       62      128
8   8   F       65      131
9   9   F       65      131
10 10   F       70      145
11 11   M       64      211
12 12   M       68      223
13 13   M       72      235
14 14   M       76      247
15 15   M       80      259
16 16   M       62      201
17 17   M       69      228
18 18   M       74      245
19 19   M       75      241
20 20   M       82      269
Type ? to check variable information of data

Simulated Data for Today’s Lecture - dataSexHeightWeight

  • To help demonstrate the concepts of today’s lecture, we will be using a toy data set with three variables

    • Female (Gender): Coded as Male (= 0) or Female (= 1)

      • In R, factor variable with two levels: FALSE, TRUE
    • Height: in inches

    • Weight: in pounds

  • The goal of lecture 02 will be to build a general linear model that predicts a person’s weight

    • Linear (regression) model: a statistical model for an outcome that uses a linear combination (a weighted sum) of one or more predictor variables to produce an estimate of an observation’s predicted value

    • \[ \mathbb{y} = \beta_0+\beta_1 \mathbf{X} \]

  • All models we learnt today will follow this framework.

Recoding Variables

library(ESRM64503) # INSTALL: pak::pak("JihongZ/ESRM64504")
library(kableExtra) # INSTALL: pak::pak("JihongZ/ESRM64504")

## First checking sample size
## N = 20

## Recode Sex as Female
dataSexHeightWeight$female = dataSexHeightWeight$sex == "F"
      caption = 'toy data set') |> 
  kable_styling(font_size = 30)
toy data set
id sex heightIN weightLB female
1 F 56 117 TRUE
2 F 60 125 TRUE
3 F 64 133 TRUE
4 F 68 141 TRUE
5 F 72 149 TRUE
6 F 54 109 TRUE
7 F 62 128 TRUE
8 F 65 131 TRUE
9 F 65 131 TRUE
10 F 70 145 TRUE
11 M 64 211 FALSE
12 M 68 223 FALSE
13 M 72 235 FALSE
14 M 76 247 FALSE
15 M 80 259 FALSE
16 M 62 201 FALSE
17 M 69 228 FALSE
18 M 74 245 FALSE
19 M 75 241 FALSE
20 M 82 269 FALSE

Descriptive Statistics

  • First, we can inspect each variable individually (marginal distribution) through a set of descriptive statistics

    • Visual way: histogram plot or density plot

    • Statistical way: Central tendency and Variability

      • Mean, Median, Mode

      • SD, Range

  • Second, we can also summarize the joint (bivariate) distribution of two variables through a set of descriptive statistics:

    • Joint vs. Marginal: joint distribution describes more than one variable simultaneously

    • Common bivariate descriptive statistics:

      • Correlation and covariance

Quick inspection: Missing data rate

  • Check (1) if any case has missing value (2) distributions for continuous and categorical variables

dataWithMissing <- dataSexHeightWeight
dataWithMissing[11, 2] <- NA

    1    19 
psych::describe(dataSexHeightWeight[,-1], omit = TRUE, trim = 0) |> kable(digits = 3)
vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
heightIN 2 20 67.9 7.440 68 67.9 7.413 54 82 28 0.048 -0.812 1.664
weightLB 3 20 183.4 56.383 175 183.4 72.647 109 269 160 0.110 -1.804 12.608

Quick Inspect: Distribution of Categorical Variable


   10    10 
hist(as.numeric(dataSexHeightWeight$female), main = "Histogram of Female", xlab = "Female", )

Visualization: Pairwise Scatterplot

pairs(dataSexHeightWeight[, c('female', 'heightIN', 'weightLB')])

Histograms of Height and Weight

hist(dataSexHeightWeight$weightLB, main = 'Weight', xlab = 'Pounds')

hist(dataSexHeightWeight$heightIN, main = 'Height', xlab = 'Inches')

Descriptive Statistics for Toy Data: Marginal

## wide-format marginal description
wide_marginal_desp <- dataSexHeightWeight |> 
  summarise(across(c(heightIN, weightLB, female), list(mean = mean, sd = sd, var = var)))
wide_marginal_desp |> 
  pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "Variable", values_to = "Value") |> 
  separate(Variable, sep = "_", into = c("Variable", "Stats")) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = Stats, values_from = Value) |> 
  kable(digits = 3)
Variable mean sd var
heightIN 67.9 7.440 55.358
weightLB 183.4 56.383 3179.095
female 0.5 0.513 0.263

Descriptive Statistics for Toy Data: Joint

  • Correlation-Covariance Matrix:

    • Diagonal: Variance

    • Above Diagonal (upper triangle): Covaraince

    • Below Diagonal (lower triangle): Correlation

  • Question: What we can tell regarding the relationships among three variables?

cor_cov_mat <- matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
colnames(cor_cov_mat) <- rownames(cor_cov_mat) <- c("heightIN", "weightLB", "female")
cov_mat <- cov(dataSexHeightWeight[, c("heightIN", "weightLB", "female")])
cor_mat <- cor(dataSexHeightWeight[, c("heightIN", "weightLB", "female")])
## Assign values
cor_cov_mat[lower.tri(cor_cov_mat)] <- cor_mat[lower.tri(cor_mat)]
cor_cov_mat[upper.tri(cor_cov_mat)] <- cov_mat[upper.tri(cov_mat)]
diag(cor_cov_mat) <- diag(cov_mat)
kable(cor_cov_mat, digits = 3)
heightIN weightLB female
heightIN 55.358 334.832 -2.263
weightLB 0.798 3179.095 -27.632
female -0.593 -0.955 0.263

Variance, Correlation, Covariance

Re-examining the Concept of Variance

  • Variability is a central concept in advanced statistics

    • In multivariate statistic, covariance is also central
  • Two formulas for the variance (about the same when \(N\) is larger):

    \[ S^2_Y= \frac{\Sigma_{p=1}^{N}(Y_p-\bar Y)}{N-1} \qquad(1)\]

    \[ S^2_Y= \frac{\Sigma_{p=1}^{N}(Y_p-\bar Y)}{N} \qquad(2)\]

  • Equation 1: Unbiased or “sample”

  • Equation 2: Biased/ML or “population”

Here: \(p\) = person;

Biased VS. Unbiased Variability

sample_sizes = seq(10, 200, 10) # N = 10, 20, 30, ..., 200
population_var = 100 # True variance for population
variance_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(sample_sizes), ncol = 4)
iter = 0
for (sample_size in sample_sizes) {
  iter = iter + 1
  sample_points <- rnorm(n = sample_size, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(population_var))
  sample_var_biased <- var(sample_points) * (sample_size-1) / sample_size
  sample_var_unbiased <- var(sample_points)
  variance_mat[iter, 1] <- sample_size
  variance_mat[iter, 2] <- sample_var_biased
  variance_mat[iter, 3] <- sample_var_unbiased
  variance_mat[iter, 4] <- population_var
colnames(variance_mat) <- c(

Take home note: Unbiased variance estimators can get more accurate estimate of variance than the biased one.

Biased VS. Unbiased Estimator of Variance (Cont.)

variance_mat |> 
  as.data.frame() |> 
  pivot_longer(-sample_size) |> 
  ggplot() +
  geom_point(aes(x = sample_size, y = value, color = name), linewidth = 1.1) +
  geom_line(aes(x = sample_size, y = value, color = name), linewidth = 1.5) +
  labs(x = "Sample Size (N)", y = "Estimates of Variance") +
  scale_color_manual(values = 1:3, labels = c("Population Variance", "Sample Biased Variance (ML)", "Sample Unbiased Variance"), name = "Estimator") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(10, 200, 10)) + 
  theme_classic() +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 25)) 

Take home note: When sample size is small, unbiased variance estimators can get the estimate of variance closer to the population variance than the biased one.

Interpretation of Variance

  • The variance (\(\sigma^2\) and \(S^2\)) describes the spread of a variable in squared units (which come from \((Y_p - \bar Y)^2\) term in the equation)

  • Variance: the average squared distance of an observation from the mean

    • For the toy sample, the variance of height is 55.358 inches squared

    • For the toy sample, the variance of weight is 3179.095 pounds squared

    • The variance of female — not applicable in the same way!

      • How is the sample equally distributed across different groups: 50/50 -> largest variance
  • Because squared units are difficult to work with, we typically use the standard deviation – which is reported in units

  • Standard deviation: the average distance of an observation from the mean

    • SD of Height: 7.44 inches

    • SD of Weight: 56.383 pounds

Variance/SD as a More General Statistical Concept

  • Variance (and the standard deviation) is a concept that is applied across statistics – not just for data
    • Statistical parameters (slope, intercept) have variance
      • e.g., The sample mean \(\bar Y\) has a “standard error” (SE) of \(S_{\bar Y} = S_Y / \sqrt{N}\)
      • How accurately we can estimate the sample mean \(\neq\) How dispersed the samples are
  • The standard error is another name for standard deviation
    • So “standard error of the mean” is equivalent to “standard deviation of the mean”
    • Usually “error” refers to parameters; “deviation” refers to data
    • Variance of the mean would be \(S_{\bar Y}^2 = S^2_Y / N\)

Example: Table of Descriptive Statistics

Table 1 (Xiong et al., 2023)

  • Key information that be reprted

    • All variables that you think relevant to the study: (1) demographic (2) context factors (3) outcomes or predictors

    • Categorical Variables: (1) Percentage of each level (2) Sample size of each level (3) Range

    • Continuous Variables: Mean + SD + Range

Correlation of Variables

  • Moving from marginal summaries of each variable to joint (bivariate) summaries, we can use the Pearson Correlation to describe the association between a pair of continuous variables:

\[ r_{Y_1, Y_2} = \frac{\frac{1}{N-1}\sum_{p=1}^N (Y_{1p}-\bar Y_1) (Y_{2p}-\bar Y_2)}{S_{Y_1}S_{Y_2}} \\ = \frac{\sum_{p=1}^N (Y_{1p}-\bar Y_1) (Y_{2p}-\bar Y_2)}{\sqrt{\sum_{p=1}^{N} (Y_{1p}-\bar Y)^2}\sqrt{\sum_{p=1}^{N} (Y_{2p}-\bar Y)^2}} \]

  • Human words: how much Variable 1 vary with Variable 2 relative to their own variability.

  • Note that pearson correlation does not take other variables into account

R: Pearson Correlation

Method 1: Use R function

cor() function with the argument method = “pearson”

X = 1:10
Y = 10:1
Z = 1:10
cor(X, Y, method = "pearson")
cor(X, Z, method = "pearson")
cor(cbind(X, Y, Z), method = "pearson")
[1] -1
[1] 1
   X  Y  Z
X  1 -1  1
Y -1  1 -1
Z  1 -1  1

Method 2: Manual way

cor_X_Y = sum((X-mean(X))*(Y-mean(Y)))/(length(X)-1)/(sd(X)*sd(Y))
[1] -1
  • sum() adds up all numbers of vector within the parenthesis

  • X-mean(X) returns the mean centered values of X

  • Two vectors can be multiplied with each other and return a new vector: X*Y

  • length() return the number of values of X

More on the Correlation Coefficient

  • The Pearson correlation is a biased estimator

    • Biased estimator: the expected value differs from the true value for a statistic
  • The unbiased version of correlation estimation would be:

\[ r_{Y_1, Y_2}^U= r_{Y_1,Y_2}(1+\frac{1-r^2_{Y_1,Y_2}}{2N}) \]

  • Properties of biased estimator:

    • As N gets large bias goes away;

    • Bias is largest when \(r_{Y_1, Y_2} =0\); Pearson Corr. is unbiased when \(r_{Y_1, Y_2} =1\)

    • Pearson correlation is an underestimate of true correlation

Covariance: Association with Units

  • The numerator of the Pearson correlation (\(r_{Y_1Y_2}\)) is the Covariance

    • Human words: “Unscaled (Unstandardized)” Correlation

    \[ S^2_{Y_1, Y_2}= \frac{\sum_{p=1}^{N}(Y_{1p}-\bar Y_1)(Y_{2p}-\bar Y_2)}{N-1} \]

    \[ S^2_{Y_1, Y_2}= \frac{\sum_{p=1}^{N}(Y_{1p}-\bar Y_1)(Y_{2p}-\bar Y_2)}{N}\]

  • Variance is a special Covariance so that the variable covary with itself

  • The covariance uses the units of the original variables (but now they are multiples):

    • Covariance of height and weight: 334.832 inch-pounds
  • The covariance of a variable with itself is the variance

  • The covariance if often used in multivariate analyses because it ties directly into multivariate distribution

    • Covariance and correlation are easy to switch between

Going from Covariance to Correlation

  • If you have the covariance matrix (variances and covariances):

    \[ r_{Y_1,Y_2}=\frac{S_{Y_1,Y_2}}{S_{Y_1}S_{Y_2}} \]

  • If you have the correlation matrix and the standard deviations:

    \[ S_{Y_1, Y_2} = r_{Y_1, Y_2} S_{Y_1} S_{Y_2} \]

Summary of Unit 1

  1. Descriptive statistics: describe central tendency and variability of variables in a visual or statistical way.
    • Visual way: Histogram, Scatter plot, Density plot
    • Statistical way: mean/mode/median; variance/standard deviation
  2. Alternatively, we cab describe the relationships between two or more variables using their joint distributions
    • Visual way: Scatter plot, Group-level Histogram
    • Statistical way: Covariance, Pearson Correlation, Chi-square (\(\chi^2\)) test

Unit 2: General Linear Model

Learning Objectives

  • Types of distributions:

    • Conditional distribution: a special joint distribution condition on other variable
  • The General Linear Model

    • Regression

    • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

    • Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)

    • Beyond – Interactions

Taxonomy of GLM

  • The general linear model (GLM) incorporates many different labels of analysis under one unifying umbrella:
Categorical Xs Continuous Xs Both Types of Xs
Univariate Y ANOVA Regression ANCOVA
Multivariate Ys MANOVA Multivariate Regression MANCOVA
  • The typical assumption is that error term (residual or \(\epsilon\)) is normally distribution – meaning that the data are conditionally normally distributed

  • Models for non-normal outcomes (e.g., dichotomous, categorical, count) fall under the Generalized Linear Model, of which general linear model is a special case

Property of GLM: Conditional Normality of Outcome

The general form of GLM with two predictors:

\[ Y_p = {\color{blue}\beta_0+\beta_1X_p+\beta_2Z_p+\beta_3X_pZ_p} + {\color{red}e_p} \]

  • Model for the Means (Predicted Values):

    • Each person’s expected (predicted) outcome is a function of his/her values x and z (and their interaction)

    • y, x, and z are each measured only once per person (p subscript)

  • Model for the Variance:

    • \(e_p \sim N(0, \sigma_e^2)\) \(\rightarrow\) One residual (unexplained) deviation

    • \(e_p\) has a mean of 0 and variance of \(\sigma^2_e\) and is normally distributed, unrelated to x and z, unrelated across observation

    • Model for the variance is important for model evaluation

Example: Building a GLM for Weight Prediction

  • Goal: build a GLM for predicting a person’s weight, using height and gender as predictors

  • Plan: we proposed several models for didactic reasons — to show how regression and ANOVA work with GLM

    • In practice, you wouldn’t necessarily run these models in this sequence
  • Beginning model (Model 1): An empty model – no predictors for weight (an unconditional model)

  • Final model (Model 5): A full model – include all predictors and their interaction model

Example: All models

  • Model 1

\[ \hat{ \text{Weight}_p }= \beta_0 \]

  • Model 2:

\[ \hat{\text{Weight}_p} =\beta_0 + \beta_1\text{Height}_p \]

  • Model 2a:

\[ \hat{\text{Weight}_p} =\beta_0 + \beta_1\text{HeightC}_p \]

  • Model 3:

\[ \hat{\text{Weight}_p}=\beta_0+\beta_2\text{Female}_p \]

  • Model 4:


  • Model 5:

\[\hat{\text{Weight}_p}=\beta_0+\beta_1\text{HeightC}_p+\beta_2\text{Female}_p \\ + \beta_3\text{HeigthCxFemale}_p\]

Model 1: Empty Model

\[ \text{Weight}_p = \beta_0 + e_p \] \[ e_p \sim N(0, \sigma^2_e) \]

  • Estimated parameters:

    • \(\beta_0\): Overall intercept - the “grand” mean of weight across all people

    • \(e_p\): Residual error - how each one’s observes deviate from \(\beta_0\)

    • \(\sigma^2_e\): Residual variance - variability of residual error across all people

R Code

model1 <- lm(weightLB ~ 1, data = dataSexHeightWeight) # model formula
summary(model1)$coefficients |> kable() # regression cofficients table
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 183.4 12.60773 14.54664 0
anova(model1) |> kable() # F-statistic table
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Residuals 19 60402.8 3179.095 NA NA
  • Interpretation

    • \(\beta_0 = 183.4\) is the predicted value of a Weight for all people is 183.4 pound
      • Just the mean of weight
    • \(SE(\beta_0) = 12.60\) is the standard error of the mean for weight with higher value suggesting more inaccuracy
    • \(t = 14.55, p < .001\) is t-test of the parameter suggesting the mean of weight significantly deviate from 0
    • Error term / Residual: \(\sigma^2_e = 3179.095\) (variance of the residuals)
      • Equal to the unbiased variance of weight in empty model
      • Also know as Mean Square Error in F-table
[1] 3179.095
[1] 3179.095

Model 2: Predicting Weight from Height

\[ \text{Weight}_p = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{Height}_p + e_p \] \[ e_p \sim N(0, \sigma^2_e) \]

  • Estimated parameters:

    • \(\beta_0\): Intercept - is the predicted value of a Weight for a people with Height is 0

    • \(\beta_1\): Slope of Height - the predicted increase of Weight for one-unit increase in Height

    • \(e_p\): Residual error - how each one’s observes deviate from \(\beta_0\)

    • \(\sigma^2_e\): Residual variance - variability of residual error across all people

R code

model2 <- lm(weightLB ~ heightIN, data = dataSexHeightWeight) # model formula
summary(model2)$coefficients |> kable(digit = 3) # regression cofficients table
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -227.292 73.483 -3.093 0.006
heightIN 6.048 1.076 5.621 0.000
anova(model2) |> kable(digit = 3) # F-statistic table
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
heightIN 1 38479.27 38479.273 31.593 0
Residuals 18 21923.53 1217.974 NA NA
  • Interpretation

    • \(\beta_0 = -227.3\) is the predicted value of a Weight for a people with Height is 0
      • Nonsensical – but we can fix it by centering Height
    • \(\beta_1 = 6.048\): Weight goes up 6.048 per inch
    • \(SE(\beta_1) = 1.076\): the inaccuracy of \(\beta_1\); \(CI = 6.048 \pm 1.96\times 1.076\)
    • \(t = 5.621, p < .001\) is t-test of the parameter suggesting the slope of height significantly deviate from 0
    • \(F(1, 18) = 31.593 = \frac{38479.273}{1217.974} = t^2\)
    • Error term / Residual: \(\sigma^2_e = 1217.974\) (variance of the residuals)
      • Height explains \(\frac{3179.095-1217.974}{3179.095}=61.7\%\) of variance of weight

Model 2a: Predicting Weight from Centered Height

\[ \text{Weight}_p = \beta_0 + \beta_1 (\text{Height}_p - \bar{Height}) + e_p \\ = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{HeightC}_p + e_p \] \[ e_p \sim N(0, \sigma^2_e) \]

  • Estimated parameters:

    • \(\beta_0\): Intercept - is the predicted value of a Weight for a people with Height is Mean Height

    • \(\beta_1\): Slope of Height - the predicted increase of Weight for one-unit increase in Height

    • \(e_p\): Residual error - how each one’s observes deviate from \(\beta_0\)

    • \(\sigma^2_e\): Residual variance - variability of residual error across all people

R code

dataSexHeightWeight$heightC = dataSexHeightWeight$heightIN - mean(dataSexHeightWeight$heightIN)
model2a <- lm(weightLB ~ heightC, data = dataSexHeightWeight) # model formula
summary(model2a)$coefficients |> kable(digit = 3) # regression cofficients table
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 183.400 7.804 23.501 0
heightC 6.048 1.076 5.621 0
anova(model2a) |> kable(digit = 3) # F-statistic table
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
heightC 1 38479.27 38479.273 31.593 0
Residuals 18 21923.53 1217.974 NA NA
  • Interpretation

    • \(\beta_0 = 183.4\) pounds (previously -227.3) is the predicted value of a Weight for a people with Height is 67.9 inches
    • Everything except \(\beta_0\), \(SE(\beta_0)\), and t-value of intercept should be same as the previous model


ggplot(dataSexHeightWeight) +
  geom_point(aes(x = heightC, y = weightLB)) +
  geom_smooth(aes(x = heightC, y = weightLB), method = "lm") +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 183.4), color = "red") +
  labs(title = "Model 2a: Fit Plot for weight")

Wrap up: Hypothesis Tests for Parameters

  • To determine if the regression slope is significantly different from zero, we must use a hypothesis test:

\[ H_0: \beta_1 = 0 \]

\[ H_1: \beta_1 \neq 0 \]

  • We have two options for this test (both are same here)

    • Use ANOVA table: sums of squares – F-test

    • Use “Wald” test for parameter: \(t = \frac{\beta_1}{SE(\beta_1)}\)

    • Here \(t^2 = F\)

  • p < 0.001 \(\rightarrow\) reject null (\(H_0\)) \(\rightarrow\) Conclusion: slope is significant

Model 3: Predicting Weight from Gender

\[ \text{Weight}_p = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{Female}_p + e_p \] \[ e_p \sim N(0, \sigma^2_e) \]

  • Note: because gender is a categorical predictor, we must first code it into a number before entering it into model (typically done automatically in software)

    • Here we code the variable as Female = 1 for females; Female = 0 for males
  • Estimated parameters:

    • \(\beta_0\): Intercept - predicted value of Weight for a person with Female = 0 (males)

    • \(\beta_2\): Slope of Female - Change in predicted value of Weight between Males and Famales

R Code

model3 <- lm(weightLB ~ female, data = dataSexHeightWeight) # model formula
summary(model3)$coefficients |> kable(digit = 3) # regression cofficients table
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 235.9 5.415 43.565 0
femaleTRUE -105.0 7.658 -13.711 0
anova(model3) |> kable(digit = 3) # F-statistic table
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
female 1 55125.0 55125.000 188.004 0
Residuals 18 5277.8 293.211 NA NA
  • Interpretation

    • \(\beta_0 = 235.9\) pounds is the predicted value of a Weight for a male
    • \(\beta_0 +\beta_1 = 235.9 - 105.0 = 130.9\) pounds is the predicted value of a Weight for a female
    • \(\beta_1 = 105\) expected difference between gender, which is significant based on t-test and F-test


Line Plot (not frequently used in this case)

ggplot(dataSexHeightWeight) +
  geom_point(aes(x = as.numeric(female), y = weightLB)) +
  geom_abline(intercept = coef(model3)[1], slope = coef(model3)[2]) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:1) +
  labs(title = "Model 3: Fit Plot for Female",
       x = "Female")

Visualization: box-and-whisker plot (Basic Way)

boxplot(weightLB ~ female, data = dataSexHeightWeight, 
        names = c("Male", "Female"), ylab = "Weight", xlab = "",boxwex = .3)    # Basic boxplot in R

Visualization: box-and-whisker plot (Fancy Way)

ggplot2 package
ggplot(dataSexHeightWeight, aes(x = female, y = weightLB)) +
  geom_dotplot(aes(fill = female, color = female), binaxis='y', stackdir='center') +
  stat_summary(fun.data= "mean_cl_normal", fun.args = list(conf.int=.75), geom="crossbar", width=0.3, fill = "yellow", alpha = .5) +
  stat_summary(fun.data= "median_hilow", geom="errorbar", fun.args = list(conf.int=1), width = .1, color="black") + # Mean +- 2SD 
  stat_summary(fun.data= "mean_sdl",  geom="point", shape = 5, size = 3) +
  scale_x_discrete(labels = c("Male", "Female")) +
  labs(x = "", y = "Weight") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "none", text = element_text(size = 20)) 

Model 4: Predicting Weight from Height and Gender

\[ \text{Weight}_p = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{HeightC}_p + \beta_2 \text{Female}_p + e_p \] \[ e_p \sim N(0, \sigma^2_e) \]

model4 <- lm(weightLB ~ heightC + female, data = dataSexHeightWeight) # model formula
summary(model4)$coefficients |> kable(digit = 3) # regression cofficients table
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 224.256 1.439 155.876 0
heightC 2.708 0.155 17.525 0
femaleTRUE -81.712 2.241 -36.461 0
anova(model4) |> kable(digit = 3) # F-statistic table
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
heightC 1 38479.273 38479.273 2363.103 0
female 1 21646.710 21646.710 1329.376 0
Residuals 17 276.817 16.283 NA NA
  • Interpretation

    • \(\beta_0 = 224.256 (SE = 1.439)\)

      • The predicted weight is 224.256 pounds for a person with Female = 0 (males) and has Height as Mean Height 67.9 inches
    • \(\beta_1 = 2.708 (SE = 0.155)\)

      • \(t = \frac{2.708}{0.155}=17.525; p <.001\)

      • The expected change in weights for every one-unit increase in height holding gender constant

    • \(\beta_2=-81.713 (SE = 2.241)\)

      • The expected difference between the mean of weights for males and the mean for females holding height constant
    • \(\sigma_e^2 = 16.283\)

      • The residual variance of weight

Model 4: By-Gender Regression Lines

Model 4 assumes identical regression slopes for both genders but has different intercepts

  • This assumption of different slopes will be tested statistically by model 5

Predicted Weight for Females with the height as 68.9 inch:

\[ W_p=224.256+2.708\times\color{blue}{(68.9-67.9)} - 81.713*\color{red}{1} \\ = 224.256+2.708-81.712 = 145.252 \]

Predicted Weight for Males with the height as 68.9 inch:

\[ W_p=224.256+2.708\times\color{blue}{(68.9-67.9)} - 81.713*\color{red}{0} \\ = 224.256+2.708 = 226.964 \]

predict(model4, data.frame(heightC = 1, female = TRUE))
predict(model4, data.frame(heightC = 1, female = FALSE))

Visualization: Different intercept and Same slope across groups

ggplot2 package
dataSexHeightWeight |> 
  mutate(predictedWeight = predict(model4, dataSexHeightWeight)) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = heightC, y = predictedWeight, color = female)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point(aes(y = weightLB, shape = female), size = 2) +

Model 5: By-Gender Regression Lines

\[\text{Weight}_p = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{HeightC}_p + \beta_2 \text{Female}_p +\beta_3 \text{HeightCxFemale}_p+ e_p\]

model5 <- lm(weightLB ~ heightC * female, data = dataSexHeightWeight) # model formula
summary(model5)$coefficients |> kable(digit = 3) # regression cofficients table
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 222.184 0.838 265.107 0
heightC 3.190 0.111 28.646 0
femaleTRUE -82.272 1.211 -67.932 0
heightC:femaleTRUE -1.094 0.168 -6.520 0
anova(model5) |> kable(digit = 3) # F-statistic table
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
heightC 1 38479.273 38479.273 8132.723 0
female 1 21646.710 21646.710 4575.104 0
heightC:female 1 201.115 201.115 42.506 0
Residuals 16 75.703 4.731 NA NA
  • Interpretation

    • \(\beta_0 = 222.184 (SE = 0.838)\)

      • SE gets smaller compared to Model 4.

      • The predicted weight is 224.184 pounds for a person with Female = 0 (males) and has Height as Mean Height 67.9 inches

    • \(\beta_1 = 3.189 (SE = 0.111)\)

      • SE gets smaller compared to Model 4.

      • Simple main effect of Height: the expected change in weights for every one-unit increase in height for males only

    • \(\beta_2=-82.271 (SE = 1.211)\)

      • SE gets smaller compared to Model 4.

      • Simple main effect of gender: The expected difference between the mean of weights for males and the mean for females for people with mean height

    • \(\beta_3 = -1.093 (SE = 1.211)\) , \(t = -6.52, p < .001\)

      • Gender-by-Height Interaction: Additional change in slope of height for change in gender.

      • The slope of heights for males is 3.189; the slope of heights decreases 1.093 (2.096) inches/pound for females

    • \(\sigma_e^2 = 5\)

      • Compared to 16.283 in model 4

Visualization: Different slopes and different intercepts

Model 5 does not assume identical regression slopes

  • Because \(\beta_3\) was significantly different from zero, the data supports different slopes for the gender
ggplot(dataSexHeightWeight, aes(x = heightC, y = weightLB, color = female)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") +

Model Comparison

  • In practice, the empty model (Model 0) and the full model (Model 5) would be the only models to run

    • The aim of model comparison is to decide on whether we want more complex model or the simple one

    • The trick is to describe the impact of all and each of the predictors – typically using variance accounted for

  • Residual Variance and \(R^2\)

get_res_var <- function(model) {
  anova(model)$`Mean Sq` |>  tail(1)

  Model = paste("Model", c(1, 2, "2a", 3, 4, 5)),
  ResidualVariance = sapply(list(model1, model2, model2a, model3, model4, model5), get_res_var)
) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = Model, y = ResidualVariance))  +
  geom_point() +
  geom_path(group = 1) +
  geom_label(aes(label = round(ResidualVariance, 2)),nudge_y = 200, nudge_x = 0.2) +
  labs(title = "Estimated Residual Variances across models") +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 20))

get_explained_var <- function(model) {
  tot_err_var <- anova(model1)$`Mean Sq` |>  tail(1)
  current_err_var <- anova(model)$`Mean Sq` |>  tail(1)
  prop <- (tot_err_var - current_err_var)/ tot_err_var

  Model = paste("Model", c(1, 2, "2a", 3, 4, 5)),
  ExplainedVariance = sapply(list(model1, model2, model2a, model3, model4, model5), get_explained_var)
) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = Model, y = ExplainedVariance))  +
  geom_point() +
  geom_path(group = 1) +
  geom_label(aes(label = paste0(round(ExplainedVariance*100, 2), "%")),nudge_y = .05) +
  labs(title = "Proportions of Explained Variance across Models")

Comparison Across Models

  1. Are height and gender are good predictors?
    • Total explained variances in weight by height and gender: Multiple \(R^2\) of Model 5
      • \((3179.09-4.73)/3179.09 = 0.9985\) \(\rightarrow\) 99.85% variances in weights can be explained by height and gender
    • F-test comparing Model 5 to Model 1
      • \(F_{3, 16} = 4250.1\), p < .001

        lm(formula = weightLB ~ heightC * female, data = dataSexHeightWeight)
            Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
        -3.8312 -1.7797  0.4958  1.3575  3.3585 
                           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
        (Intercept)        222.1842     0.8381  265.11  < 2e-16 ***
        heightC              3.1897     0.1114   28.65 3.55e-15 ***
        femaleTRUE         -82.2719     1.2111  -67.93  < 2e-16 ***
        heightC:femaleTRUE  -1.0939     0.1678   -6.52 7.07e-06 ***
        Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
        Residual standard error: 2.175 on 16 degrees of freedom
        Multiple R-squared:  0.9987,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.9985 
        F-statistic:  4250 on 3 and 16 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
  1. Are Height alone a good predictor?
    • Explained remaining variances in weight by height: Multiple \(R^2\) of Model 5 to Model 3

      • \((293.21-4.73)/293.21 = 0.9839\) \(\rightarrow\) 98.39% variances in weights remaining after gender can be explained by the main and interaction effects of height
    • F-test comparing Model 5 to Model 3

      • \(F_{2, 16} = 548.74\), p < .001 suggests the effect of hight on weight is significant after controlling the effect of gender

        anova(model3, model5)
        ((5277.8 - 75.7)/ (18-16))/(75.7 / 16)
    • True explained variances out of total variances in weight: Unique contribution of adding Height into the model

      • Check model 3, we can found that gender explained 90.78% variance of weight

      • \(0.9839 * (1 - 0.9078) = 0.0907\) \(\rightarrow\) 9.07% more variances of weights can be explained by height after gender is already in the model

      • 90.78% + 9.07% = 99.85% is the total variance explained by height and gender

  1. Are gender alone a good predictor?
  • Explained remaining variances in weight by gender: Multiple \(R^2\) of Model 5 to Model 2a

    • \((1217.97-4.73)/1217.97 = 0.9961\) \(\rightarrow\) 99.61% variances in weights remaining after height can be explained by the main and interaction effects of gender
  • F-test comparing Model 5 to Model 2a

    • \(F_{2, 16} = 2308.8\), p < .001 suggests the effect of gender on weight is significant after controlling the effect of height

      anova(model2a, model5)
      ((21923.5 - 75.7)/ (18-16))/(75.7 / 16)
  • True explained variances out of total variances in weight: Unique contribution of adding Height into the model

    • Check model 3, we can found that gender explained 90.78% variance of weight

    • \(0.9839 * (1 - 0.9078) = 0.0907\) \(\rightarrow\) 9.07% more variances of weights can be explained by height after gender is already in the model

    • 90.78% + 9.07% = 99.85% is the total variance explained by height and gender

Summary of Unit 2

  1. We learned GLM using the 2-factor model
  2. For specific effect, we examine the t-test of coefficient
  3. For the total contribution of a bunch of effects (main + interaction), we look at R-square and F-test
  4. We sometime need to report predicted regression lines, which can be done in R with ggplot2

Unit 3: Let’s Look at R code together