Lecture 08: Multivariate Analysis

Model Setup and Assumptions

Jihong Zhang*, Ph.D

Educational Statistics and Research Methods (ESRM) Program*

University of Arkansas


Today’s Class

  • Multivariate linear models: an introduction
  • How to form multivariate models in lavaan
  • What parameters mean
  • How they relate to the multivariate normal distribution

Multivariate Models: An Introduction

Multivariate Linear Models

  • The next set of lectures are provided to give an overview of multivariate linear models
    • Models for more than one dependent/outcome variables
  • Our focus will be on models where the DV is plausibly continuous
    • so we’ll use error terms that are multivariate normally distributed
    • Not a necessity – generalized multivariate models are possible

Classical vs. Contemporary Methods

  • In “classical” multivariate textbooks and classes multivariate linear models fall under the names of Multivariate ANOVA (MANOVA) and Multivariate Regression

  • These methods rely upon least squares estimation which:

    1. Inadequate with missing data
    2. Offers very limited methods of setting covariance matrix structures
    3. Does not allow for different sets predictor variables for each outcome
    4. Does not give much information about model fit
    5. Does not provide adequate model comparison procedures
  • The classical methods have been subsumed into the modern (likelihood or Bayes-based) multivariate methods

    • Subsume: include or absorb (something) in something else
    • Meaning: modern methods do what classical methods do (and more)

Contemporary Methods for Estimating Multivariate Linear Models

  • We will discuss three large classes of multivariate linear modeling methods:

    • Path analysis models (typically through structural equation modeling and path analysis software)
    • Linear mixed models (typically through linear models software)
    • Psychological network models (typically through psychological network software)
    • Bayesian networks (frequently not mentioned in social sciences but subsume all we are doing)
  • The theory behind each is identical – the main difference is in software

    • Some software does a lot (Mplus software is likely the most complete), but none (as of 2024) do it all
  • We will start with path analysis (via the lavaan package) as the modeling method is more direct but then move to linear mixed models software (via the nlme and lme4 packages)

  • Bayesian networks will be discussed in the Bayes section of the course and will use entirely different software

The “Curse” of Dimensionality: Shared Across Models

  • Having lots of parameters creates a number of problems

    • Estimation issues for small sample sizes
    • Power to detect effects
    • Model fit issues for large numbers of outcomes
  • Curse of dimensionality: for multivariate normal data, there’s a quadratic increase in the number of parameters as the number of outcomes increases linearly

  • To be used as an analysis model, however, a covariance structure must “fit” as well as the saturated/unstructured covariance matrix

Biggest Difference From Univariate Models: Model Fit

  1. In univariate linear models the “model for the variance” wasn’t much of a model - There was one variance term possible and one term estimated
    • A saturated model - all variances/covariances are freely estimated without any constrains - Model fit was always perfect
  2. In multivariate linear models, because of the number of variances/covariances, oftentimes models are not saturated for the variances
    • Therefore, model fit becomes an issue
  3. Any non-saturated model for the variances must be shown to fit the data before being used for interpretation
    • “fit the data” has differing standards depending on software type used

Today’s Example Data

  • Data are simulated based on the results reported in:

  • Sample of 350 undergraduates (229 women, 121 men)

    • In simulation, 10% of variables were missing (using missing completely at random mechanism)
  • Dictionary:

    1. Prior Experience at High School Level (HSL)
    2. Prior Experience at College Level (CC)
    3. Perceived Usefulness of Mathematics (USE)
    4. Math Self-Concept (MSC)
    5. Math Anxiety (MAS)
    6. Math Self-Efficacy (MSE)
    7. Math Performance (PERF)
    8. Female (sex variable: 0 = male; 1 = female)
  id hsl cc use msc mas mse perf female
1  1  NA  9  44  55  39  NA   14      1
2  2   3  2  77  70  42  71   12      0
3  3  NA 12  64  52  31  NA   NA      1
4  4   6 20  71  65  39  84   19      0
5  5   2 15  48  19   2  60   12      0
6  6  NA 15  61  62  42  87   18      0
[1] 350   9
Desc(dataMath[,2:8], plotit = FALSE, conf.level = FALSE)
Describe dataMath[, 2:8] (data.frame):

data frame: 350 obs. of  7 variables
        145 complete cases (41.4%)

  Nr  ColName  Class    NAs         Levels
  1   hsl      integer  36 (10.3%)        
  2   cc       integer  37 (10.6%)        
  3   use      integer  24 (6.9%)         
  4   msc      integer  39 (11.1%)        
  5   mas      integer  46 (13.1%)        
  6   mse      integer  34 (9.7%)         
  7   perf     integer  60 (17.1%)        

1 - hsl (integer)

  length      n    NAs  unique    0s   mean  meanCI'
     350    314     36       8     0   4.92    4.92
          89.7%  10.3%          0.0%           4.92
     .05    .10    .25  median   .75    .90     .95
    3.00   3.00   4.00    5.00  6.00   6.00    7.00
   range     sd  vcoef     mad   IQR   skew    kurt
    7.00   1.32   0.27    1.48  2.00  -0.26   -0.41

   value  freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
1      1     1   0.3%        1     0.3%
2      2    11   3.5%       12     3.8%
3      3    34  10.8%       46    14.6%
4      4    71  22.6%      117    37.3%
5      5    79  25.2%      196    62.4%
6      6    88  28.0%      284    90.4%
7      7    27   8.6%      311    99.0%
8      8     3   1.0%      314   100.0%

' 0%-CI (classic)

2 - cc (integer)

  length      n    NAs  unique     0s   mean  meanCI'
     350    313     37      28     21  10.31   10.31
          89.4%  10.6%           6.0%          10.31
     .05    .10    .25  median    .75    .90     .95
    0.00   2.00   6.00   10.00  14.00  19.00   20.00
   range     sd  vcoef     mad    IQR   skew    kurt
   27.00   5.89   0.57    5.93   8.00   0.17   -0.43
lowest : 0 (21), 1 (5), 2 (9), 3 (9), 4 (12)
highest: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

heap(?): remarkable frequency (8.6%) for the mode(s) (= 10, 13)

' 0%-CI (classic)

3 - use (integer)

  length      n    NAs  unique     0s   mean  meanCI'
     350    326     24      71      1  52.50   52.50
          93.1%   6.9%           0.3%          52.50
     .05    .10    .25  median    .75    .90     .95
   25.50  31.00  42.25   52.00  64.00  71.50   77.75
   range     sd  vcoef     mad    IQR   skew    kurt
  100.00  15.81   0.30   16.31  21.75  -0.11   -0.08
lowest : 0, 13, 15, 16, 19 (2)
highest: 84 (2), 86, 92, 95, 100

' 0%-CI (classic)

4 - msc (integer)

  length      n    NAs  unique     0s   mean  meanCI'
     350    311     39      76      0  49.79   49.79
          88.9%  11.1%           0.0%          49.79
     .05    .10    .25  median    .75    .90     .95
   24.00  29.00  38.00   49.00  61.00  72.00   80.50
   range     sd  vcoef     mad    IQR   skew    kurt
   98.00  16.96   0.34   16.31  23.00   0.23   -0.09
lowest : 5, 9, 12, 15, 16 (2)
highest: 87 (3), 89, 91, 94, 103

' 0%-CI (classic)

5 - mas (integer)

  length      n    NAs  unique     0s   mean  meanCI'
     350    304     46      57      1  31.50   31.50
          86.9%  13.1%           0.3%          31.50
     .05    .10    .25  median    .75    .90     .95
   13.00  17.00  24.75   32.00  39.00  45.70   50.00
   range     sd  vcoef     mad    IQR   skew    kurt
   62.00  11.32   0.36   10.38  14.25  -0.13   -0.17
lowest : 0, 2, 3 (2), 5, 6
highest: 54 (2), 55 (2), 56, 58, 62

' 0%-CI (classic)

6 - mse (integer)

  length      n    NAs  unique     0s   mean  meanCI'
     350    316     34      56      0  73.41   73.41
          90.3%   9.7%           0.0%          73.41
     .05    .10    .25  median    .75    .90     .95
   54.00  58.00  65.00   73.00  81.00  88.50   92.25
   range     sd  vcoef     mad    IQR   skew    kurt
   60.00  11.89   0.16   11.86  16.00   0.06   -0.26
lowest : 45 (2), 46, 47, 49 (2), 50 (4)
highest: 98, 100, 101 (2), 103, 105 (2)

' 0%-CI (classic)

7 - perf (integer)

  length      n    NAs  unique     0s   mean  meanCI'
     350    290     60      19      0  13.97   13.97
          82.9%  17.1%           0.0%          13.97
     .05    .10    .25  median    .75    .90     .95
    9.45  10.00  12.00   14.00  16.00  18.00   19.00
   range     sd  vcoef     mad    IQR   skew    kurt
   18.00   2.96   0.21    2.97   4.00   0.16    0.14
lowest : 5, 6, 7 (2), 8 (3), 9 (8)
highest: 19 (10), 20 (4), 21 (3), 22 (2), 23

heap(?): remarkable frequency (13.8%) for the mode(s) (= 13)

' 0%-CI (classic)

Using MVN Likelihoods in lavaan

The lavaan package is developed by Dr. Yves Rosseel to provide useRs, researchers and teachers a free open-source, but commercial-quality package for latent variable modeling. You can use lavaan to estimate a large variety of multivariate statistical models, including path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling and growth curve models.

  • lavaan’s default model is a linear (mixed) model that uses ML with the multivariate normal distribution

  • ML is sometimes called a full information method (FIML)

    • Full information is the term used when each observation gets used in a likelihood function
    • The contrast is limited information (not all observations used; typically summary statistics are used)

Revisiting Univariate Linear Regression

  • We will begin our discussion by starting with perhaps the simplest model we will see: a univariate empty model
    • We will use the PERF variable from our example data: Performance on a mathematics assessment
  • The empty model for PERF is:
    • \(e_{i, PERF} \sim N(0, \sigma^2_{e,PERF})\)
    • Two parameters are estimated: \(\beta_{0,PERF}\) and \(\sigma^2_{e,PERF}\)

\[ \text{PERF}_i = \beta_{0,\color{tomato}{PERF}} + e_{i, \color{tomato}{PERF}} \]

  • Here, the additional subscript is added to denote these terms are part of the model for the PERF variable
    • We will need these when we get to multivariate models and path analysis

lavaan Syntax: General

  • Estimating a multivariate model using lavaan contains three steps:
    1. Build a string object including syntax for models (e.g., model01.syntax)
    2. Estimate the model with observed data and save it to a fit object(e.g., model01.fit <- cfa(mode01.syntax, data))
    3. Extract the results from the fit object
  • The lavaan package works by taking the typical R model syntax (as from lm()) and putting it into a quoted character variable
    • lavaan model syntax also includes other commands used to access other parts of the model (really, parts of the MVN distribution)
  • Here:
    • ~~ indicate variance or covariance between variables on either side (perf ~~ perf) estimates variance
    • ~1 indicate intercept for one variable (perf~1)
## Syntax for model01
1model01.syntax <- "
## Variances:
perf ~~ perf

## Means:
perf ~ 1
## Estimation for model01
2model01.fit <- cfa(model01.syntax, data=dataMath, mimic="MPLUS", fixed.x = TRUE, estimator = "MLR")

## Print output
model syntax is a string object containing our model specification
We use the cfa() function to run the model based on the syntax
lavaan 0.6.17 ended normally after 8 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                         2

                                                  Used       Total
  Number of observations                           290         350
  Number of missing patterns                         1            

Model Test User Model:
                                              Standard      Scaled
  Test Statistic                                 0.000       0.000
  Degrees of freedom                                 0           0

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Sandwich
  Information bread                           Observed
  Observed information based on                Hessian

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    perf             13.966    0.174   80.397    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    perf              8.751    0.756   11.581    0.000

Model Parameter Estimates and Assumptions

Summary of lavaan's cfa()
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    perf             13.966    0.174   80.397    0.000
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    perf              8.751    0.756   11.581    0.000
Summary of lm()
summary(lm(perf ~ 1, data = dataMath))

lm(formula = perf ~ 1, data = dataMath)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-8.9655 -1.9655  0.0345  2.0345  9.0345 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   13.966      0.174   80.26   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 2.963 on 289 degrees of freedom
  (60 observations deleted due to missingness)
  • Parameter Estimates:
    • \(\beta_{0,PERF} = 13.966\)
    • \(\sigma^2_{e,PERF} = 8.751\)
  • Using the model estimates, we known that:

\[ \text{PERF}_i \sim N(13.966, 8.751) \]

Multivariate Empty Models

Adding One More Variable: Multivariate Regression

  • We already know how to use lavaan to estimate univariate model, let’s move on to model two variables as outcomes

    • Mathematics performance (perf)
    • Perceived Usefulness of Mathematics (use)
  • Assumption: We will assume these to be continuous variables (conditionally MVN)

  • Initially, we will only look at an empty model with these two variables:

    • Empty models are baseline models
    • We will use these to show how such models look based on the characteristics of the multivariate normal distribution
    • We will also show the bigger picture when modeling multivariate data: how we must be sure to model the covariance matrix correctly

Multivariate Empty Model: The Notation

  • The multivariate model for perf and use is given by two regression models, which are estimated simultaneously:

\[ \text{PERF}_i = \beta_{0,\text{PERF}}+e_{i,\text{PERF}} \]

\[ \text{USE}_i = \beta_{0,\text{USE}}+e_{i,\text{USE}} \]

  • As there are two variables, the error terms have a joint distribution that will be multivariate normal

\[ \begin{bmatrix}e_{i,\text{PERF}}\\e_{i,\text{USE}}\end{bmatrix} \sim \mathbf{N}_2 (\mathbf{0}=\begin{bmatrix}0\\0\end{bmatrix}, \mathbf{R}=\begin{bmatrix}\sigma^2_{e,\text{PERF}} & \sigma_{e,\text{PERF},\text{USE}}\\ \sigma_{e,\text{PERF},\text{USE}}&\sigma^2_{e,\text{USE}}\end{bmatrix}) \]

  • Each error term (diagonal elements in \(\mathbf{R}\)) has its own variance but now there is a covariance between error terms
    • We will soon that the overall \(\mathbf{R}\) matrix structure can be modified

Data Model

  • Before showing the syntax and the results, we must first describe how the multivariate empty model implies how our data should look

  • Multivariate model with matrices: \[ \boxed{\begin{bmatrix}\text{PERF}_i\\\text{USE}_i\end{bmatrix} =\begin{bmatrix}1&0\\0&1\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\beta_{0,\text{PERF}}\\\beta_{0,\text{USE}}\end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix}e_{i,\text{PERF}}\\e_{i,\text{USE}}\end{bmatrix}} \]

\[ \boxed{\mathbf{Y_i = X_iB + e_i}} \]

  • Using expected values and linear combination rules, we can show that:

\[ \boxed{\begin{bmatrix}\text{PERF}_i\\\text{USE}_i\end{bmatrix} \sim \mathbf{N}_2 (\boldsymbol{\mu}_i=\begin{bmatrix}\beta_{0,\text{PERF}}\\\beta_{0,\text{USE}}\end{bmatrix}, \mathbf{V}_i =\mathbf{R}=\begin{bmatrix}\sigma^2_{e,\text{PERF}} & \sigma_{e,\text{PERF},\text{USE}}\\ \sigma_{e,\text{PERF},\text{USE}}&\sigma^2_{e,\text{USE}}\end{bmatrix})} \]

\[ \boxed{\mathbf{Y}_i \sim N_2(\mathbf{X}_i\mathbf{B},\mathbf{V}_i)} \]

lavaan Syntax: Multivariate Regression Model

Number of parameters is 5, including two means and three variance and covaraince components.

model02.syntax = "
# Variances:
1perf ~~ perf
2use ~~ use

# Covariance:
3perf ~~ use

# Means:
4perf ~ 1
5use ~ 1
\(\sigma^2_{e, \text{PERF}}\)
\(\sigma^2_{e, \text{PERF}, \text{USE}}\)
\(\beta_{0, \text{PERF}}\)
\(\beta_{0, \text{USE}}\)
  • This covariance matrix is said to be saturated: All parameters are estimated - It is also called an unstructured covariance matrix

  • No other structure for the covariance matrix can fit better (only as well as)

Multivariate Regression Model Results

Output of lavaan

## Estimation for model01
model02.fit <- cfa(model02.syntax, data=dataMath, mimic="MPLUS", fixed.x = TRUE, estimator = "MLR") 

## Print output
lavaan 0.6.17 ended normally after 29 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                         5

                                                  Used       Total
  Number of observations                           348         350
  Number of missing patterns                         3            

Model Test User Model:
                                              Standard      Scaled
  Test Statistic                                 0.000       0.000
  Degrees of freedom                                 0           0

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Sandwich
  Information bread                           Observed
  Observed information based on                Hessian

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  perf ~~                                             
    use               6.847    2.850    2.403    0.016

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    perf             13.959    0.174   80.442    0.000
    use              52.440    0.872   60.140    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    perf              8.742    0.754   11.596    0.000
    use             249.245   19.212   12.973    0.000
  • Question: why is the sample size different from Model 1?
table(is.na(dataMath$perf) & is.na(dataMath$use))

  348     2 

Correlation Between PERF and USE

# Covaraince Estimates
parameterestimates(model02.fit)[1:3,] |> show_table()
lhs op rhs est se z pvalue ci.lower ci.upper
perf ~~ perf 8.741728 0.7538398 11.59627 0.0000000 7.264229 10.21923
use ~~ use 249.245184 19.2120731 12.97336 0.0000000 211.590213 286.90016
perf ~~ use 6.847300 2.8500494 2.40252 0.0162826 1.261306 12.43329
# Standardized Parameters
standardizedsolution(model02.fit)[1:3,] |> show_table()
lhs op rhs est.std se z pvalue ci.lower ci.upper
perf ~~ perf 1.0000000 0.0000000 NA NA 1.000000 1.0000000
use ~~ use 1.0000000 0.0000000 NA NA 1.000000 1.0000000
perf ~~ use 0.1466923 0.0602033 2.436616 0.0148254 0.028696 0.2646886
D = matrix(c(sqrt(8.742), 0, 0,  sqrt(249.245)), nrow = 2)
S = matrix(c(8.742, 6.847, 6.847,  249.245), nrow = 2)
solve(D) %*% S %*% solve(D)
          [,1]      [,2]
[1,] 1.0000000 0.1466836
[2,] 0.1466836 1.0000000

Comparing Model with Data

x = expand.grid(
  perf = seq(0, 25, .1),
  use = seq(0, 120, .1)
sim_dat <- cbind(
  density = dmvnorm(x, mean = c(13.959, 52.440), sigma = S)

mod2_density <- ggplot() +
  geom_contour_filled(aes(x = perf, y = use, z = density), data = sim_dat) +
  geom_point(aes(x = perf, y = use), data = dataMath, colour = "white", alpha = .5) +
  labs( x= "PERF", y="USE") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 20)) 

  • We can use our estimated parameters to simulation the model-implied density plot for perf and use, which can be compared to the observed data of perf and use

Interactive 3D Plot for Estimated MVN

\[ \begin{bmatrix}\text{PERF}_i\\\text{USE}_i\end{bmatrix} \sim \mathbf{N}_2 (\boldsymbol{\mu}_i=\begin{bmatrix}13.959\\52.440\end{bmatrix}, \mathbf{V}_i =\mathbf{R}=\begin{bmatrix}8.742 & 6.847\\ 6.847 & 249.245 \end{bmatrix}) \]

density_surface <- sim_dat |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = use, values_from = density) |> 
  select(-perf) |> 
plot_ly(z = density_surface, x = seq(0, 120, .1), y = seq(0, 25, .1), colors = "PuRd", color = "green",
        width = 1600, height = 800) |> add_surface() 

Multivariate Regression Model Estimated Density

A Different Model for the data

  • To demonstrate how models may vary in terms of model fit (and to set up a discussion of model fit and model comparisons) we will estimate a model where we set the covariance between PERF and USE to zero
    • Zero covariance implies zero correlation – which is unlikely to be true given our previous analysis
  • You likely would not use this model in a real data analysis
    • If anything, you may start with a zero covariance and then estimate one
  • But, this will help to introduce come concepts needed to assess the quality of the multivariate model

lavaan Syntax: Zero Covariance

model03.syntax = "
# Variances:
perf ~~ perf 
use ~~ use   

# Covariance:
1perf ~~ 0*use

# Means:
perf ~ 1  
use ~ 1   
We constrain the residual covaraince between perf and use \(\sigma_{e, \text{PERF}, \text{USE}} = 0\) using 0*
## Estimation for model01
model03.fit <- cfa(model03.syntax, data=dataMath, mimic="MPLUS", fixed.x = TRUE, estimator = "MLR") 

## Print output
parameterestimates(model03.fit) |> show_table()
lhs op rhs est se z pvalue ci.lower ci.upper
perf ~~ perf 8.750535 0.7555764 11.58127 0 7.269632 10.23144
use ~~ use 249.200921 19.2117850 12.97125 0 211.546515 286.85533
perf ~~ use 0.000000 0.0000000 NA NA 0.000000 0.00000
perf ~1 13.965518 0.1737074 80.39679 0 13.625057 14.30598
use ~1 52.500000 0.8743112 60.04727 0 50.786382 54.21362

Model Assumption

  • The zero covariance now leads to the following assumptions about the data:

    \[ \begin{bmatrix}\text{PERF}_i\\\text{USE}_i\end{bmatrix} \sim \mathbf{N}_2 (\boldsymbol{\mu}_i=\begin{bmatrix}13.959\\52.440\end{bmatrix}, \mathbf{V}_i =\mathbf{R}=\begin{bmatrix} 8.750 & \color{tomato}{0} \\ \color{tomato}{0} & 249.200 \end{bmatrix}) \]

  • Because these are MVN, we are assuming PERF is independent from USE (they have zero correlation/covariance)

  • Question: Our new model (zero covariance) is better or worse fitting to data compared to our previous model (freely estimated covariance)?

    • Answer: I think our new model is worse (we don’t know this “worse” is significant or not) because of fewer parameters and stronger assumptions.

Model Results

parameterestimates(model02.fit) |> show_table()
lhs op rhs est se z pvalue ci.lower ci.upper
perf ~~ perf 8.741728 0.7538398 11.59627 0.0000000 7.264229 10.21923
use ~~ use 249.245184 19.2120731 12.97336 0.0000000 211.590213 286.90016
perf ~~ use 6.847300 2.8500494 2.40252 0.0162826 1.261306 12.43329
perf ~1 13.959028 0.1735296 80.44176 0.0000000 13.618916 14.29914
use ~1 52.439695 0.8719560 60.14030 0.0000000 50.730693 54.14870
parameterestimates(model03.fit) |> show_table()
lhs op rhs est se z pvalue ci.lower ci.upper
perf ~~ perf 8.750535 0.7555764 11.58127 0 7.269632 10.23144
use ~~ use 249.200921 19.2117850 12.97125 0 211.546515 286.85533
perf ~~ use 0.000000 0.0000000 NA NA 0.000000 0.00000
perf ~1 13.965518 0.1737074 80.39679 0 13.625057 14.30598
use ~1 52.500000 0.8743112 60.04727 0 50.786382 54.21362

Examining Model/Data Fit

sim_dat_2 <- cbind(
  density = dmvnorm(x, mean = c(13.959, 52.440), 
                    sigma = matrix(c(8.750535, 0, 0, 249.200921), nrow = 2))

mod3_density <- ggplot() +
  geom_contour_filled(aes(x = perf, y = use, z = density), data = sim_dat_2) +
  geom_point(aes(x = perf, y = use), data = dataMath, colour = "white", alpha = .5) +
  labs( x= "PERF", y="USE", title = "Model 3's Density") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 20)) 



Wrapping Up

  1. This lecture was an introduction to the estimation of multivariate linear models for multivariate outcomes the using path analysis/SEM package lavaan

  2. We saw that the model for continuous data uses the multivariate normal distribution in its likelihood function

Next Class

  1. Does each model fit the data well (absolute model fit)?
  2. If not, how can we improve model fit?
  3. Which model fits better (relative model fit)?
  4. Answers are given in the following lectures…