Session | Presentation | |
1 | Session 1A: Dynamic Fit Index Cutoffs in SEM (Room 202) | |
2 | Dynamic Fit Index Cutoffs for Generalizing and Extending Hu & Bentler | |
3 | Session 1B: Causal Moderation (Room 305) | |
4 | Alternative Specifications for Instrumental Variable Analysis in Structural Equation Modeling: First Steps Toward Latent Analysis of Symmetrically Predicted Endogenous Subgroups | |
5 | Estimating and Interpreting Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in Online Experiments | |
6 | Causal Language in Evaluating Moderation/Interaction Hypotheses | |
7 | Session 1C: Latent Variable Modeling as a Vehicle toward Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Room 307) | |
8 | Illustrating and Enacting a Critical Quantitative Approach to Measurement with MIMIC Models | |
9 | Using QuantCrit to Advance an Anti-Racist Developmental Science: Applications to Mixture Modeling | |
10 | Critical Action and Ethnic-Racial Identity: Tools of Racial Resistance at the College Transition | |
11 | Development of the White Critical Consciousness Index | |
12 | Session 1D: Measurement Invariance (Room 306) | |
13 | Pervasive Differential Item Functioning (DIF) | |
14 | Examining SEM Trees for Investigating Measurement Invariance Concerning Multiple Violators | |
15 | Intersectional Measurement Invariance Testing | |
16 | Session 1E: Applications of Spatial and Longitudinal Models (Room 108) | |
17 | Subjective Well-being and Social Isolation in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A 3-Wave Longitudinal Study across One Year | |
18 | Measuring Self-Regulatory Development from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade: Longitudinal Psychometrics with Alignment Optimization | |
19 | Assessing Differences in Medical Debt in CT by Racial/Ethnic Minorities Using Modern Spatial Path Analytic Methods | |
20 | Session 2A: Penalized Structural Equation Modeling (Room 202) | |
21 | Penalized Structural Equation Modeling | |
22 | Session 2B: Over-dispersion and Extra-zeros in Multilevel Models for Discrete Count Data (Room 108) | |
23 | Model Typology and Demonstration for Over-dispersion and Extra-zeros in Multilevel Models for Discrete Count Data | |
24 | Session 2C: Bayesian Approaches (Room 305) | |
25 | Bayesian Model Averaging: A Conceptual Introduction | |
26 | A Holistic Bayesian Approach to Addressing Measurement Reactivity with a Planned Missing Data Design | |
27 | Bayesian Model Evaluation using Marginal Likelihood for Growth Mixture Models | |
28 | Session 2D: SEM Fundamentals (Room 307) | |
29 | Structural Equation Models for Between, Within, and Mixed Factorial Designs | |
30 | Reenergizing Lost Modeling Treasures: The 100+ Years Old Path Analytic Tracing Rule | |
31 | Session 2E: Modeling Dynamic Processes I (Room 306) | |
32 | Empirical Bayes Derivative Estimates | |
33 | Modeling Dynamic Processes with Panel Data: An Application of Continuous Time Models to Prevention Research | |
34 | Session 2F: Longitudinal Applications I (Room 308) | |
35 | Longitudinal Prediction of Health Using the Unique Variance in Personal Suffering Assessment Items | |
36 | Examination of Heterogeneity of Growth Trajectory on Wage with Auxiliary Covariates: Applying BCH Approach in Growth Mixture Modeling | |
37 | Do Executive Function and Effortful Control Co-Develop? Evidence from Latent Growth Curves with Structured Residuals and Multivariate Growth Mixture Models | |
38 | Session 3A: Disaggregating Level-Specific Effects in Cross-Classified Multilevel Models (CANCELLED) | |
39 | Disaggregating Level-Specific Effects in Cross-Classified Multilevel Models | |
40 | Session 3B: Dealing with Missing Data (Room 305) | |
41 | The Impact of MNAR Dropout on Estimation of Latent Growth Curve Models with Binary Observed Variables | |
42 | Estimating Treatment Effects in Partially Clustered Randomized Controlled Trials with Missing Data: Challenges and Solutions | |
43 | Session 3C: Modeling Item-Level Heterogeneous Treatment Effects with the Explanatory IRT (Room 307) | |
44 | Modeling Item-Level Heterogeneous Treatment Effects with the Explanatory Item Response Model: Leveraging Online Assessments to Pinpoint the Impact of Educational Interventions | |
45 | Session 3D: Comparing Latent and Composite Constructs with Nested Equivalence Testing | |
46 | Comparing Latent and Composite Constructs with Nested Equivalence Testing | |
47 | Session 3E: Latent Class Analysis (Room 108) | |
48 | Modeling Careless Responding in Ambulatory Assessment Studies Using Multilevel Latent Class Analysis: Factors Influencing Careless Responding | |
49 | Using Latent Class Models to Derive Subtypes for the Enneagram Personality Typology | |
50 | Session 3F: Bifactor Measurement Models (Room 308) | |
51 | Confirmatory Bifactor Measurement Models: Their Utility in Scale Development, Psychometric Modeling and Research with Latent Variables and/or Multidimensional Constructs | |
52 | Investigating the Factor Structure of Sense of Social and Academic Fit Scale: A Multilevel Bifactor Study | |
53 | Session 4A: Partially Nested Designs (Room 202) | |
54 | Statistical Power for Multisite Partially Nested Regression Discontinuity Designs | |
55 | Estimation, Statistical Power in Partially Nested Multisite Clustered-Randomized Trials | |
56 | Session 4B: Longitudinal Causal Effect Estimation (Room 305) | |
57 | Estimating Longitudinal Causal Effects: A Comparison of Marginal Structural Models, and Structural Equation Modeling Approaches | |
58 | Asking and Answering Causal Questions Using Longitudinal Data | |
59 | Session 4C: Characterization and Identification of Multivariate Latent Manifolds: Analytically Resolving Factor Score Indeterminacy (Room 307) | |
60 | Characterisation and Identification of Multivariate Latent Manifolds: Analytically Resolving Factor Score Indeterminacy | |
61 | Session 4D: Latent Variable Models for Location, Shape, and Scale Parameters | |
62 | Latent Variable Models for Location, Shape, and Scale Parameters | |
63 | Session 4E: Interactive, Automated, and Dynamic SEM (Room 308) | |
64 | Interactive, Automated, and Dynamic SEMs for Maximal Productivity | |
65 | Session 4F: Mixed Effect Location Scale Models: Methodological and Substantive Considerations (Room 108) | |
66 | Mixed Effect Location Scale Models: Methodological and Substantive Considerations | |
67 | Session 5A: A Two-Step Robust Estimation Approach for Inferring Within-Person Relations in Longitudinal Design (Room 102) | |
68 | A Two-Step Robust Estimation Approach for Inferring Within-Person Relations in Longitudinal Design | |
69 | Session 5B: Model Fit Issues in Measurement Models (Room 202) | |
70 | ESEM, CFA, and Somewhere In-Between: The Effect of Measurement Quality on Model Fit Sensitivity | |
71 | Performance of Model Fit Indices in Confirmatory Factor Analysis on Misspecified Item Response Models with Local Dependence | |
72 | Session 5C: Causal Inference I (Room 305) | |
73 | Synthetic Control Models for Causal Inference in Observational Social and Behavioral Sciences | |
74 | A Tutorial on Propensity Score Analysis with Semi-Continuous Treatment | |
75 | Session 5D: Partially/Disparately Nested Structures (Room 306) | |
76 | Croon’s Estimation of Multilevel Structural Equation Models with Partially Nested Data | |
77 | Structural After Measurement Estimation of Disparately Nested Structures | |
78 | Session 5E: Difference-in-Differences: A Methodological Illustration (Room 107) | |
79 | Difference-in-Differences: A Methodological Illustration | |
80 | Session 5F: Designing Against Bias: Identifying and Mitigating Bias in Machine Learning and AI (Room 108) | |
81 | Designing Against Bias: Identifying and Mitigating Bias in Machine Learning and AI | |
82 | Session 6A: Transparency, Reproducibility, and Replicability of Modeling Methods: Problems and Solutions (Room 102) | |
83 | Transparency, Reproducibility, and Replicability of Modeling Methods: Problems and Solutions | |
84 | Session 6B: Complex Designs which Stretch the Boundaries of Conventional IRT | |
85 | Scoring the Complexities of Alphabet Knowledge | |
86 | Multinomial Models for Unpacking Linguistically Informative Response Choices: Test Structure and Item Function | |
87 | Picturing the Impossible: Pictures, Repetitions, and Item-Set Card Effects in Measuring Vocabulary | |
88 | Assessment of Children with Autism Using Eye Gaze and Generalized Additive Logistic Regression | |
89 | Session 6C: Reconsidering Lord’s Paradox (Room 202) | |
90 | Robust and Pseudo-Robust Solutions to Lord’s Paradox | |
91 | Does Group-Mean Centering Always Inflate Type I Error Rates in Multiple Regression Analyses? | |
92 | Dual Centered-ANCOVA with interaction, a Solution for Lord’s paradox with Implications for Valid Causal Inferences in Longitudinal Analyses | |
93 | Session 6D: Modeling Dynamic Processes II (Room 305) | |
94 | Consequences of Sampling Frequency on the Estimated Dynamics of AR Processes using Continuous Time Models | |
95 | Summing the up and downs of life: The Bayesian Reservoir Model of Psychological Regulation | |
96 | Session 6E: Dyadic and Group Applications (Room 306) | |
97 | Generalizability Theory Applied to Daily Relationship Quality: Substantive and Statistical Directions (CANCELLED) | |
98 | The Dynamics of Opinion Expression During Group Discussion | |
99 | Boosting Powers by Combining Spatial Econometrics with Dyadic Analysis and SEM: Racial/Ethnic Differences in Life Expectancy across the US States | |
100 | Session 7A: Tutorial: Methods for Sensitivity Analysis to Omitted Confounders in SEM (Room 102) | |
101 | A Tutorial on Methods for Sensitivity Analysis to Omitted Confounders in Structural Equation Modeling | |
102 | Session 7B: Issues in Multilevel Modeling (Room 202)- CANCELLED | |
103 | Modeling Options for Clustered Data: An Empirical Comparison of Hierarchical and Population Average Models (Cancelled) | |
104 | Understanding the Consequences of Collinearity for Multilevel Models: The Importance of Disaggregation across Levels (Cancelled) | |
105 | Session 7C: Modeling Single Subject Data (Room 305) | |
106 | GLMMs for Overdispersed Count Data in SCED Studies: Does Autocorrelation Matter? | |
107 | Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis Including Moderators: Empirical Validation | |
108 | Session 7D: Enacting Critical Quantitative Methodology: Leveraging IRT to Advance Critical Consciousness Measurement (Room 108) | |
109 | Enacting Critical Quantitative Methodology: Leveraging IRT to Advance Critical Consciousness Measurement | |
110 | Session 7E: The Construction and Estimation of Multidimensional Linear Factor Models without Parametric Assumptions (Room 306) | |
111 | The Construction and Estimation of Multidimensional Linear Factor Models without Parametric Assumptions | |
112 | Session 8A: Dyadic and Group Designs (Room 102) | |
113 | Understanding Group Effects Using the Co-Partner Design | |
114 | Sample Considerations for Detecting Person, Dyad, and Contextual Effects Using the Common Fate Model for Dyadic Analysis | |
115 | Session 8B: Optimal Design and Cost Considerations (Room 202) | |
116 | Power Analysis and Sample Size Planning in the Design of Two-Level Randomized Cost-Effectiveness Trials | |
117 | Optimal Design of Experimental Studies Under Condition- and Unit-Specific Cost Structures | |
118 | Optimal Design of Multisite-Randomized Trials Investigating Mediation Effects Under Unequal Costs | |
119 | Session 8C: Longitudinal Applications II (Room 108) | |
120 | An Application of Random Changepoint Models to Cognitive Aging Research | |
121 | Application of a Novel Model for Analyzing Data from Randomized Pretest, Posttest, Follow-up Designs: Results from a Pediatric Randomized Behavioral Clinical Trial | |
122 | Health in All Polices Approach: A Dynamic Modelling of Social Policies’ Effect on Mental Health | |
123 | Session 8D: Sample Heterogeneity in Dynamic Psychological Processes | |
124 | A Bayesian Multilevel Mixture Autoregressive Model | |
125 | Identifying and Explaining Sample Heterogeneity in Dynamic Psychological Processes Using ml-VARTree | |
126 | Impact of Temporal Order Selection on Clustering Intensive Longitudinal Data Based on Vector Autoregressive Models | |
127 | Penalized Subgrouping of Heterogeneous Time Series | |
128 | Clustering Analysis of Time Series of Affect in Dyadic Interactions | |
129 | Session 8E: Modeling COVID-19 (Room 306) | |
130 | Unobserved Components Models: Applications in Post-COVID Analysis | |
131 | Using Cross-classified Multi-level Modeling to Identify COVID-19 Period Effects on Race and Gender Differences in Training Effectiveness | |
132 | Daily Associations of Emotion and Fatigue in College Students during the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Application of Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling | |
133 | Posters | |
134 | Convenience Samples and Measurement Equivalence in Replication Research: A Registered Report | |
135 | Item-Weighted Expected a Posteriori Method for Improved Latent Trait Estimation in Item Response Theory | |
136 | Collapsing Categories for Likert Type Items: Dealing with Same Items, Different Categories in Longitudinal Data | |
137 | Investigating the Factor Structure of Educational Test Data: A Practical Illustration Using Multiple-Choice Credentialing Exams for Workforce Development Programs | |
138 | Designing Three Level Regression Discontinuity Studies With Partially Nested Structures | |
139 | What’s the Occasion? An Algorithm for Generating Optimal Measurement Schedules | |
140 | An Equivalence Testing Based Version of the Standardized Root Mean Squared Residual | |
141 | Fitting Empirically Under-Identified Models: A Two-Factor Example | |
142 | Application of Planned Missingness Using 7 Datasets Without a Single Linking Test | |
143 | A Novel Effect Size Measure for Mediation with a Multicategorical Predictor | |
144 | Sharing is Not Normal: Evaluating the Statistical Methods for Analyzing Multimodal Dictator Game Data | |
145 | IRT Standard Error Estimation in Item Modelling – A Mathematical Approach | |
146 | Multilevel Latent Differential Structural Equation Model with Short Time Series and Time-Varying Covariates: A Comparison of Frequentist and Bayesian Estimators | |
147 | Examining Different Approaches to Treating Zero-Frequency Cells in Polychoric Correlation Estimation | |
148 | Implementing an Expanded Mediation Model to Obtain Less Biased Estimates of Mediation Effects Implemented Using SEM | |
149 | Establishing An Optimal Individualized Treatment Rule for Pediatric Anxiety with Longitudinal Modeling for Evaluation | |
150 | Detecting Cohort Effects in Accelerated Longitudinal Designs Using Multilevel Models | |
151 | Examining the Heterogeneity in the Effect of Head Start as a Multi-phase Treatment Accounting for Selection Bias and Clustering | |
152 | Drift Diffusion Modeling of Reaction Times and Accuracies on the Color Shapes Task | |
153 | Assessing Multiple Imputation to Test Measurement Invariance with Ordinal Items | |
154 | Multi-level Structural Equation Modeling of Factors Influencing Mathematics Achievement | |
155 | Looking Beyond Fit Indices: A Bifactor Model Best Practice Study | |
156 | Confidence Interval of Effect Size Measures in Longitudinal Growth Models | |
157 | Prior Achievement, Future Learning Opportunities, and Student Achievement | |
158 | An Evaluation of the Bayesian Hypothesis Test of Mediation Effects via the Bayes Factor | |
159 | The Role of Cherry Picking in the Replication Crisis | |
160 | Evaluating the Multiplicity Control Practices of Psychology Researchers | |
161 | The Power of Smaller Samples: Developing Age-Stratified Norms From Randomly Selected Sub-Samples | |
162 | Is There a Time to Be Discrete? Comparisons of Difference Score and Autoregressive Models | |
163 | Within-Person Analysis of Developmental Cascades of Externalizing Problems, Academic Competence, and Internalizing Problems from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade: Evidence from Population-Based Sample of US Elementary School Students | |
164 | Bayesian Factor Analysis with Regularizing Priors on Threshold Parameters | |
165 | An Evaluation of Methods for Handling Missing Data in Randomized Controlled Trials with Omitted Moderation Effects | |
166 | Anchor Item Requirements for the Free Baseline DIF Approach in Thurstonian-IRT | |
167 | Investigating the Performance of the Bi-Factor AESEM with Dichotomous Indicators Under Conditions of Measurement Non-Invariance | |
168 | Deep Learning Imputation for Unbalanced and Incomplete Likert-type Items | |
169 | Closing the Loop Between Educational Data Mining and Educational Measurement and Evaluation | |
170 | Addressing Potential Model Misspecification: A Novel Application of the Latent-Curve Model with Structured Residuals to Well-Being in Justice-Involved Youth | |
171 | Bayesian Workflow for Model Building in Educational Research | |
172 | Patterns of Current Tobacco Use among Adults in US and Israel and the Correlates | |
173 | Derivative Estimation to Quantify Pain Variability in Chronic Pain Patients | |
174 | Item Quality for Cognitive Assessments in Low-to-Middle Income Countries: Evidence from the Ethiopia Young Lives Data. | |
175 | Does Self-Motivation Affect Academic Performance among Middle Schoolers in Ethiopia? A Partial Latent Mediation Analysis. | |
176 | Exploring Individual Differences in Continuous Time Dynamics of Loving Feelings in Daily Life | |
177 | Detrending Multi-Subject, Short Time Series Data for Vector Autoregressive and Dynamic Structural Equation Models | |
178 | Impact of Missing Days in Daily Diary Studies: A Simulation Study | |
179 | The Effect of Model Size on the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA): The Nonnormal Case | |
180 | Using RMSEA Associated with the Chi-Square Difference Test to Compare Bifactor and Hierarchical Factor Models under Minor Misspecification | |
181 | Compliance and Outcomes in the Toddler Obesity Prevention Study (TOPS), a Behavioral Intervention to Improve Physical Activity | |
182 | Integrating Fuzziness into Vector Autoregressive (VAR)-Based Clustering | |
183 | Measuring Leadership for Learning: A Cross-Validation Multilevel Factor Analysis Approach | |
Session 8D: Sample Heterogeneity in Dynamic Psychological Processes