Use High Performance Computing UArk

AHPCC from University of Arkansas


Jihong Zhang


January 14, 2024

1 General Information

Arkansas High Performance Computing Center (AHPCC, official website) is available for research and instructional use to faculty and students of any Arkansas university and their research collaborators. There is no charge for use of our computing resources.

To use the HPC, an AHPCC account must be requested through Internal Account Request Form. Please see here for more information about AHPPC inventory. ]

2 Connect to HPC

  • You can use online dashboard or terminal to have access to AHPCC nodes.

2.1 For terminal

As long as you have an AHPCC account, you can connect to HPC through SSH. For Windows users, you can use PuTTY or Powershell to connect to HPC. For Mac and Linux users, you can use the terminal to connect to HPC. The command is:

ssh [username]

Replace [username] with your username of AHPCC account. Passwords will be required. After you enter your password, you will be connected to HPC and your terminal/Powershell will look like this.

Login Screenshot

Login Screenshot

Note: Pinnacle is a new resource at the University of Arkansas in 2019. It consists of 100 Intel based nodes with 20 NVIDIA V100 GPU nodes enabling data science and machine learning and 8 big memory nodes with 768 Gb ram/each for projects requiring a large memory footprint.

2.2 SSH login without password

  1. Generate a pair of authentication keys in your local machine and do not enter a passphrase using the following codes:
ssh-keygen -t rsa   

Please note that make the passphrase empty:

Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/[username]/.ssh/id_rsa): 
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /Users/[username]/.ssh/id_rsa
Your public key has been saved in /Users/[username]/.ssh/
  1. In your local machine, type in following commands to copy local public key to the hpc server.
scp ~/.ssh/ [loginname][loginname]/.ssh/authorized_keys
  1. Now you should be able to login the hpc login node without password:
ssh [loginname]

3 Upload or Download Data

There are two ways to download data: (1) dashboard (2) terminal

3.1 Dashboard

One the dashboard page, find Files tag on the navigation bar:

Files > /karpinski/[username]

You then should be able to upload or download your files from local to server or form server to local.

3.2 Terminal

  • To upload data files from local machine to HPC, type in following codes on your local machine:
scp program.c [username]

where program.c is one example file you want to upload. If you target file is located in Downloads folder, use ~/Downloads/program.c instead.

To copy an entire folder and its subfolds using SCP, add parameter -r following scp for recursive operations (src is a folder for example):

scp -r src [username]
  • To download data files from HPC to local machine, type in following codes on your local machine:
scp -r [username] ./

4 Jobs submission

4.1 Workflow

There are multiple steps to submit the R file to cluster to run.

  1. We need to determine the computing nodes we want to use. Please refer to this link for detailed information about HPC equipment. A general ‘job submit’ command is like this:
sbatch -q q06h32c -l walltime=1:00 -l nodes=1:ppn=32

The sbatch command (a slurm command) aims to submit a job that is saved to the job file or example.slurm. The command above submitted the job to the q06h32c queue with a wall-time of 1 minute requesting all 32 cores on 1 node.

  1. We want to create a job file with .sh or .slurm extension to automatically run the job submission commands aforementioned. Here’s a simple example of a job file that can tell HPC how to run your R code (#SBATCH represents all parameters we feed to job submission):
#SBATCH --job-name=mpi
#SBATCH --output=zzz.slurm
#SBATCH --partition comp06
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=32
#SBATCH --time=6:00:00
module load gcc/11.2.1 mkl/19.0.5 R/4.2.2
# module load gcc/11.2.1 intel/21.2.0 mkl/21.3.0 R/4.3.0

Rscript HelloWorld/example.R

R relevant modules

Where Line 8 loaded all required modules:

  • gcc and mkl are required for R package installation (Note: To the date, gcc/11.2.1 is the latest version of gcc than can compile the cmdstanr successfully). Please see here for more details.

  • Rscript is the bash command to execute R file on HPC. HelloWorld/example.R is the path of your R script.

  • Anything behind the #SBATCH are options for the SLURM scheduler. Please see following summary or view it online:

  1. We may want to use R interactively to test your R code is running well. Use the following bash command to start a brand new R in terminal:

{.bash filename =" \"terminal"} srun -N1 -n1 -c1 -p cloud72 -q cloud -t 2:00:00 --pty /bin/bash


This command will redirect to cloud72 queue, which includes virtual machines and containers, usually single processor, 72 hour limit, 3 nodes.

slurm commands compatibility commands Meaning
sbatch qsub submit <job file>
srun qsub -I submit interactive job
squeue qstat list all queued jobs
squeue -u [username] qstat -u [username] list queued jobs for user rfeynman
scancel qdel cancel <job#>
sinfo shownodes -l -n;qstat -q node status;list of queues

For slurm, please use the commands in the 1st column. Then you should be able to start R in an interactive job and install required packages. If you load R/4.2.2 module, those packages installed via an interactive job will be stored at $HOME$/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.2/. See here for more details about interactive job.

  1. The whole workflow of job submission is as follows:
$ cat
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --job-name=Exp0
module purge
module load os/el7 gcc/9.3.1 mkl/19.0.5 R/4.2.2
Rscript example.R
$ rm slurm-334001.out
$ sbatch
Submitted batch job 334002
$ ls  example.R  gene_up.txt  MS_entrez_id_alldata.txt  slurm-334002.out

4.2 Multiple Job Submission for R

  • For R programming, if we want to submit multiple jobs iterating over data files (each job runs a data analysis using one data file). Then, one easiest way is to create a masterJob.R file that can

    • create multiple bash job submission file with filenames containing their job ID (.sh or .slurm)

    • submit those job files iteratively using for loop and sbatch.

  • Following is one example of how to submit and run multiple data analysis jobs on HPC using 162th to 240th data files. Note that #SBATCH --output=/home/jzhang/BSEM/OutputFiles/himem72-%j.out redirect output files (.out) to the user-specified directory (which is BSEM/OutputFiles in this case). %j will append Job ID to the filenames of output files.

root_path = "/home/jzhang/"
for (i in 162:240) {
  jobfile <- paste0("Analysis_ModelA_DivergentSV", i, ".sh") # change file for specific model
  ## --ntasks-per-node=6 : there are 6 R files to be running parallels.
  ## --cpus-per-task=3: for each R files, there are 3 chains
  initial <- "#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --job-name=himem72
#SBATCH --output=/home/jzhang/BSEM/OutputFiles/himem72-%j.out
#SBATCH --partition himem72
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1     # adjust this if you want to use multiple threads
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=3       # adjust this if you are using parallel commands
#SBATCH --time=72:00:00         # adjust this if you want to request more running time
#SBATCH --mem=1000              # adjust this according to the memory requirement per node you need
#SBATCH --mail-user=YOUR-EMAIL  # adjust this to match your email address
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
source /etc/profile.d/
module purge
module load intel/21.2.0 mkl/21.3.0 R/4.2.2 gcc/11.2.1
  ## adding all R files simultaneously
  jobfile_content <- paste0(initial,
                            paste0("\nRscript ", root_path,"BSEM/Rcode/Analysis_ModelA_DivergentSV.R "),
                            i, " '" , root_path, "'")
  write_lines(jobfile_content, file = paste0(root_path, "BSEM/JobFiles/", jobfile))
  # message(commd)
  system(paste0("sbatch ", paste0(root_path, "BSEM/JobFiles/", jobfile)))

Alternatively, you can use array jobs for similar jobs submission. See more details in slurm wiki.

# Submit a job array with index values between 0 and 31
$ sbatch --array=0-31    -N1 tmp

# Submit a job array with index values of 1, 3, 5 and 7
$ sbatch --array=1,3,5,7 -N1 tmp

# Submit a job array with index values between 1 and 7
# with a step size of 2 (i.e. 1, 3, 5 and 7)
$ sbatch --array=1-7:2   -N1 tmp

Job arrays will have additional environment variables set.

  • SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID will be set to the first job ID of the array.
  • SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID will be set to the job array index value.
  • SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_COUNT will be set to the number of tasks in the job array.
  • SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MAX will be set to the highest job array index value.
  • SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MIN will be set to the lowest job array index value.

5 Cancel job

Use scancle [jobID] to cancel one running job or scancle jobID1,jobID2 to cancel multiple running jobs.

6 Checking job

6.1 sinfo command: Look up available resources

  • When logged in the computing node or login node, type in hostname will output your computational node’s name.

  • One node has 32 cores, use sinfo to check:

    • alloc means it has been occupied; idle means it is available.

6.2 squeue command: Check running jobs

squeue can check jobs that are running or pending. Below shows the information of all running/down task for the queue comp06 (there are 9 Jobs but only 7 are running). Note that comp06 and comp72 queues share the same nodes, both belonging to pinnacle cluster. There are 49 public standard compute nodes. Thus, if there are 49 running jobs in both queues, then your job has to be waitting until some jobs finished.

For example, below shows all 47 running jobs in comp06/comp72 queues. Some have been running like 2 days. There are 72 hours limit though for all computation nodes.

$ squeue -p comp06,comp72 -t R -u jzhang
 362406    comp06    measr   jzhang  R    1:04:24      1 c1501
 362385    comp06 sys/dash ashmitau  R    2:07:25      1 c1402
 362309    comp06 sys/dash    igorf  R    4:14:32      1 c1402
 362361    comp06 03a_iqtr amatthew  R      55:02      1 c1420
 362311    comp06  mystery cdgoolsb  R    4:09:10      1 c1410
 362310    comp06  mystery cdgoolsb  R    4:09:40      1 c1410
 362308    comp06  mystery cdgoolsb  R    4:14:41      1 c1410
 362454    comp72 test_str pradeepk  R      11:03      1 c1512
 362150    comp72   cv0_rf    igorf  R 1-00:43:47      1 c1410
 362151    comp72   cv1_rf    igorf  R 1-00:43:47      1 c1410
 362152    comp72   cv2_rf    igorf  R 1-00:43:47      1 c1410
 362137    comp72 sys/dash maghamoh  R 1-03:12:27      1 c1410
 362340    comp72  cv1_pls    igorf  R    1:00:24      1 c1512
 362341    comp72  cv2_pls    igorf  R    1:00:24      1 c1512
 362339    comp72  cv0_pls    igorf  R    1:04:24      1 c1501
 360997    comp72  TiS2-ph bothinah  R 2-04:46:42      1 c1609
 360877    comp72 Temp_230 sppoudel  R      54:55      1 c1419
 360875    comp72 Temp_220 sppoudel  R    6:19:42      1 c1415
 360876    comp72 Temp_225 sppoudel  R    6:19:42      1 c1509
 354260    comp72 peep19-0   djo001  R   11:27:37      1 c1506
 354262    comp72 peep20-0   djo001  R   11:27:37      1 c1514
 354263    comp72 peep21-0   djo001  R   11:27:37      1 c1515
 351991    comp72 peep16-0   djo001  R   12:31:45      1 c1507
 351988    comp72 peep18-2   djo001  R   14:00:48      1 c1603
 351987    comp72 peep17-2   djo001  R   14:07:24      1 c1519
 360873    comp72 Temp_210 sppoudel  R   14:49:25      1 c1408
 360874    comp72 Temp_215 sppoudel  R   14:49:25      1 c1418
 351989    comp72 peep18-0   djo001  R   14:49:55      1 c1516
 351990    comp72 peep17-0   djo001  R   14:49:55      1 c1518
 351986    comp72 peep16-2   djo001  R   15:36:01      1 c1605
 360824    comp72 SmNiO3-2 paillard  R   16:23:51      4 c[1405-1406,1503,1508]
 360871    comp72 Temp_205 sppoudel  R   16:23:51      1 c1511
 360821    comp72 SmNiO3-2 paillard  R 1-01:41:15      4 c[1412-1413,1513,1517]
 360869    comp72 Temp_200 sppoudel  R 1-01:41:15      1 c1606
 360868    comp72 Temp_195 sppoudel  R 1-14:30:28      1 c1504
 349719    comp72  peep8-2   djo001  R 1-16:02:28      1 c1608
 360867    comp72 Temp_190 sppoudel  R 1-20:18:00      1 c1610
 360818    comp72 SmNiO3-2 paillard  R 1-20:18:01      4 c[1404,1409,1502,1505]
 360866    comp72 Temp_180 sppoudel  R 2-04:52:43      1 c1411
 349718    comp72  peep9-2   djo001  R 2-05:37:18      1 c1604
 349717    comp72 peep10-2   djo001  R 2-05:51:48      1 c1520
 349715    comp72 peep12-2   djo001  R 2-09:11:29      1 c1417
 349716    comp72 peep11-2   djo001  R 2-09:11:29      1 c1607
 349714    comp72 peep13-2   djo001  R 2-09:30:18      1 c1510
 338160    comp72 INT3-WT- dgirodat  R 2-10:20:18      1 c1407
 338164    comp72 C1069T-p dgirodat  R 2-10:20:18      1 c1414

When you want to get the worst case scenario estimate of when your waiting jobs will start, you can always run following command,

squeue -u [loginname] --start
More advanced filtering

Use squeue -u [username] | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v JOBID to list all jobs Then, use scancel 'squeue -u [username] | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v JOBID' to cancel multiple running jobs with given JobIDs

6.3 sacct command: Check job history

sacct can check your job history

$ sacct --format Jobid,ReqMem,MaxRSS,TimeLimit,AllocCPUS,CPUTIME,TotalCPU
JobID            ReqMem     MaxRSS  Timelimit  AllocCPUS    CPUTime   TotalCPU
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
466693             192M              02:00:00          1   02:00:25  08:17.128
466693.0                  7018740K                     1   02:00:55  08:17.128
466694              64M            12-00:00:+          3   00:00:15  00:03.511
466694.batch                                           3   00:00:15  00:03.511
466752              64M            12-00:00:+          3   00:07:15  05:11.966
466752.batch              1720012K                     3   00:07:15  05:11.966
466756              64M            12-00:00:+          3   14:57:42   05:26:19
466756.batch              2230252K                     3   14:57:42   05:26:19
466758              64M            12-00:00:+          3   15:35:27   00:00:00
  1. JobID - Job ID . Step ID of the job step
  2. ReqMem - Requested memory (Gc: GigaByte per core)
  3. MaxRSS - Actually-used memory (Resident Set Size)
  4. Timelimit - Time limit requested for the job with --time
  5. Elapsed - Actual time used by the job
  6. AllocCPUs - Number of allocated CPUs to the job
  7. CPUTime - CPUtime allocated to the job (Elapsed * AllocCPUs)
  8. TotalCPU - Actual CPU time consumed by the job

Most frequently used queues are from pinnacle cluster.

Below is a list of queues in the pinnacle cluster. The number after the queue is the time limit for a running job. For example, comp72 has 72 hour limits while comp06 has only 6 hour limit, but they share same nodes. Thus, for efficiency, maybe use comp01 for quick examination of coding and use comp72 for time consuming jobs.

comp72/06/01: standard compute nodes, 72/6/1 hour limit, 42/46/48 nodes
gpu72/06:     gpu nodes: 72/6 hour limit, 19 nodes
agpu72/06:    a100 gpu nodes: 72/6 hour limit
himem72/06:   768 GB nodes, 72/6 hour limit, 6 nodes
pubcondo06:   condo nodes all-user use, 6 hour limit, various constraints required, 25 nodes
pcon06:       same as pubcondo06, shortened name for easier printout, use this going forward
cloud72:      virtual machines and containers, usually single processor, 72 hour limit, 3 nodes
condo:        condo nodes, no time limit, authorization required, various constraints required, 25 nodes
tres72/06:    reimaged trestles nodes, 72/06 hour limit, 126 nodes
razr72/06:    reimaged razor nodes, 72 hour limit, in progress

Here’s some useful information regarding selecting queue from hpcwiki.

Generally the nodes are reserved for the most efficient use, especially for expensive features such as GPU and extra memory. Pinnacle compute nodes are very busy (comp.. and himem.. partitions) are reserved for scalable programs that can use all 32/24 cores (except for the cloud partition, and condo usage by the owner). Cores are allocated by the product of ntasks-per-node x cpus-per-task. Exceptions: (1) serial/single core jobs that use more memory than available on Razor/Trestles (64 to 192 GB) (2) multiple jobs submitted together that use a whole node, such as 4 x 8 cores (3) two jobs on one high-memory node (2 x 12 cores) that each use more than 192 GB (and less than 384 GB so that they can run on the himem node)

6.4 Count running jobs

Following bash command is a general command to cound running jobs on himem72 queue. -p himem72 filters jobs running on the partition himem72. -t R filters the “running” status (other status include ‘PD’ which means pending). wc is a bash command to count number of lines/bytes.

You can check running jobs for multiple users. For example, squeue -t R -u user1,user2 | wc counts user1’s and user2’s running jobs.

squeue -u jzhang -t R -p himem72 | wc

7 Troubleshooting

  1. Revise .bashrc so that the ssh cannot login?

    You potential can try ctrl+c to avoid the ssh to execute bashrc. Try multiple time if not succeed. See here for reference.

8 Example 1: parallelization of Stan

Let’s assume we have a job task to run multiple Bayesian models with K Markov Chains. For each Bayesian model, we have an independent R file. In total, we have J .R modeling files. For each independent R file, we input one data set. There are N data sets in total with multiple simulation conditions.

The workflow for this job task is like this:

Workflow for HPC Job

Workflow for HPC Job

8.1 Overall Procedure

First of all, we need to create a masterJob.R file with two main aims: (1) to create multiple bash job files with each corresponds to run one or multiple analysis models; (2) to submit the data analysis job to the computing server. In masterJob.R, there may exist nested “for loop” with datasets/design factors as iterators.

1 which could be replaced as bash file if you are more familiar with bash language

For example, below is an example masterJob.R file. Iterator i represents the index of data set.

root_path = "~/Downloads/JZ/" # change to folder in your HPC
for (i in 1:10) {
  jobfile <- paste0("AllModelRunning_data", i, ".sh")
  ## --ntasks-per-node=6 : there are 6 R files to be running parallels.
  ## --cpus-per-task=3: for each R files, there are 3 chains
  initial <- "#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --partition tres288
#SBATCH --qos tres
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=6
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --time=288:00:00

source /etc/profile.d/
module purge
module load intel/21.2.0 mkl/21.3.0 R/4.2.2 gcc/11.2.1
  ## adding all R files simultaneously
  jobfile_content <- paste0(initial,         paste0("\nRscript ", root_path,"RcodeJZ2/Analysis_ModelA_AlignedSV_asym1000.R "), i, " '" , root_path, "' | at now &")
  jobfile_content <- paste0(jobfile_content, paste0("\nRscript ", root_path,"RcodeJZ2/Analysis_ModelA_AlignedSV_sym1000.R "), i, " '" , root_path, "' | at now &")
  jobfile_content <- paste0(jobfile_content, paste0("\nRscript ", root_path,"RcodeJZ2/Analysis_ModelA_Diffuse_asym500.R "), i, " '", root_path, "' | at now &")
  jobfile_content <- paste0(jobfile_content, paste0("\nRscript ", root_path,"RcodeJZ2/Analysis_ModelA_Diffuse_sym500.R "), i, " '", root_path, "' | at now &")
  jobfile_content <- paste0(jobfile_content, paste0("\nRscript ", root_path,"RcodeJZ2/Analysis_ModelA_DivergentSV_asym100.R "), i, " '", root_path, "' | at now &")
  jobfile_content <- paste0(jobfile_content, paste0("\nRscript ", root_path,"RcodeJZ2/Analysis_ModelA_DivergentSV_sym100.R "), i, " '", root_path, "' | at now & wait")
  write_lines(jobfile_content, file = paste0(root_path, "JobFiles/", jobfile))
  # message(commd)
  system(paste0("sbatch ", paste0(root_path, "JobFiles/", jobfile)))

If we want to iterate over all N data sets, we can set for (i in 1:N). The initial partical contains the settings of HPC jobs: 1 node, each node run 6 tasks, and each task uses 4 cpus. If we run a Bayesian model with 3 chains, we can set --cpus-per-task=3 instead. Each modeling file (for example, Analysis_ModelA_AlignedSV_asym1000.R) will be subjected to run using Rscript with two arguments: (1) data set index (i); (2) root directory containing all codes and data sets (root_path). The first argument make sure each file will be fed to modeling file. The second argument makes the masterJob file more generic to run on varied HPC accounts.

write_lines function saves the text of job file into a local directory in root direcotry – JobFile. system is a R function that can run bash code in R. Here we echo sbatch [OneJobFile].R to make R automatically submit the JobFile for specific data set.

Alternatively, we can set up the masterJob file to run one model only:

root_path = "~/Downloads/JZ/"
for (i in 1:10) {
  jobfile <- paste0("AlignsedSV_asym100_ModelRunning_data", i, ".sh") # change file for specific model
  ## --ntasks-per-node=6 : there are 6 R files to be running parallels.
  ## --cpus-per-task=3: for each R files, there are 3 chains
  initial <- "#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --partition tres288
#SBATCH --qos tres
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=6
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --time=288:00:00

source /etc/profile.d/
module purge
module load intel/21.2.0 mkl/21.3.0 R/4.2.2 gcc/11.2.1
  ## adding all R files simultaneously
  jobfile_content <- paste0(initial,  
                            paste0("\nRscript ", root_path,"RcodeJZ2/Analysis_ModelA_AlignedSV_asym1000.R "), 
                            i, " '" , root_path, "'")
  write_lines(jobfile_content, file = paste0(root_path, "JobFiles/", jobfile))
  # message(commd)
  system(paste0("sbatch ", paste0(root_path, "JobFiles/", jobfile)))

To make sure it running without error, we need to check each modeling file carefully.

For example, below is one of six modeling files: Analysis_ModelA_AlignedSV_sym1000.R.

Part I of this modeling file is to read in two arguments of Rscript specified in masterJob_All.R. Part II contains all functions needed for Bayesian models running. Part III screens all data sets saved in the folder dataJZ and creates a vector of paths of the data set dataset_fullpaths. It also creates a list of unique identifiers for each result of model datset_prefix. Finally, it run the Bayesian model with 3 Markov chains.

###### Part I 
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
which_dat <- as.numeric(args[1])
root_path = as.character(args[2]) # root directory

###### Part II 
## function 1: for one Bayesian model running
BayAna <- function(mod, dat, ncores) {...}
## function 2: run four Bayesian models with different model structure and save results
BayFit_new <- function(dname, ncores, outputpath, prefix){...}

###### Part III 
datset_paths <- list.files(paste0(root_path, "dataJZ/"), pattern = '.dat',recursive = TRUE)
datset_fullpaths <- paste0(paste0(root_path, "dataJZ/"), datset_paths)
datset_prefix <- stringr::str_replace_all(datset_paths, "/", "_")

BayFit_new(dname = datset_fullpaths[which_dat],
           outputpath = paste0(root_path, "ResultJZ/"),
           prefix = datset_prefix[which_dat],
           ncores = 3)

For better illustration, below is the top 10 elements of datset_fullpaths :

root_path = "~/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Personal/2024 Spring/Ejike Bayesian Modeling on HPC/JZ/"
datset_paths <- list.files(paste0(root_path, "dataJZ/"), pattern = '.dat',recursive = TRUE)
datset_fullpaths <- paste0(paste0(root_path, "dataJZ/"), datset_paths)
[1] "~/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Personal/2024 Spring/Ejike Bayesian Modeling on HPC/JZ/dataJZ/"

8.2 Brief Workflow

Procedure of Data Analysis on HPC.pdf

9 Resources

  1. rslurm package: Parallelize R code on a Slurm cluster
  2. CRAN Task View: High-Performance and Parallel Computing with R
  3. Linux 101:
  4. New Mexico State University HPC Wiki
  5. Slurm Official Documentation
  6. University of Arkansas HPC Center Wiki (not very useful and outdated)
  7. Slides fo Jobs Submission in Slurms by Damien Francios
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BibTeX citation:
  author = {Zhang, Jihong},
  title = {Use {High} {Performance} {Computing} {UArk}},
  date = {2024-01-14},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Zhang, Jihong. 2024. “Use High Performance Computing UArk.” January 14, 2024.