Use R as a bash language
R language could be easily used as a bash script using Rscript *.R
. system()
is a R base function which could run command line within R.
Below is a simple example which allows to automate create a new blog post: (1) Ask users to type in filename, title and language (2) Create a new markdown file in specific directory (i.e. your local posts saved path) (3) Add some metadata in .md file (4) Open the file using your favorite markdown editor.
cat('Your filename > ')
filename <- scan(file = "stdin", what = "character", n=1, sep = "-")
cat("Your post's title > ")
title <- scan("stdin", what = "character", n=1, sep = "-")
cat("language is zh or en > ")
lang <- scan("stdin", character(), n=1)
draft = TRUE
md.metadata =
title: ", title,"
date: ",Sys.Date(),"
draft: ", tolower(draft) ,"
- blog
- Blog
if (lang == "zh"){
## create a file name
postname = paste0(Sys.Date(), "-",gsub(" ", "-", filename, fixed = TRUE), "." ,lang,".md")
## Chinese Path
filepath = paste0(
cmd = paste0("cd /Users/jihong/Documents/hugo-academic-jihong/content/post/zh/ && open ", postname)
} else {
postname = paste0(Sys.Date(), "-",gsub(" ", "-", filename, fixed = TRUE), ".md")
## English Path
filepath = paste0(
cmd = paste0("cd /Users/jihong/Documents/hugo-academic-jihong/content/post/ && open ", postname)
write.table(md.metadata, file = filepath, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE)