Revealjs Template: Slides for University of Arkansas


Jihong Zhang


August 11, 2024


First slide

First slide

Other slides

Other slides

How to use

This template is free to download via quarto command. Type in following command in your terminal within your target directory aiming to save your slide files.

quarto use template JihongZ/quarto-uark-revealjs-theme

If you see the following message, you should be successful and can use the template.

Quarto templates may execute code when documents are rendered. If you do not
trust the authors of the template, we recommend that you do not install or 
use the template.
? Do you trust the authors of this template (Y/n)  Yes
? Create a subdirectory for template? (y/N)  No
[✓] Downloading
[✓] Unzipping

The template requires the following changes to extensions:
uark-revealjs   [Install]   0.0.1 (format)
? Would you like to continue (Y/n)  Yes

Then, you will see the .qmd file in your target directory (for example, Lecture01.qmd) with the same file name as your directory name. This file contains your slide content. You are free to edit this file.

The figures directory contains your images that you will use in your slides. _extensions contains the styling files (.css, background image, metadata).

File structure

File structure
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