## If you did not install modeldata and tidyverse packages, execute following codes:
Experimental design in Education
Jihong Zhang*, Ph.D
Educational Statistics and Research Methods (ESRM) Program*
University of Arkansas
August 18, 2025
Data were collected for two species: O. exclamationis and O. niveus. The data are contained in a data frame called crickets
with a total of 31 data points.
Study on cricket chirp rates and temperature for two species
Temperature (°C)
Chirps per minute
Species: (A) O. exclamationis (B) O. niveus
Research Questions:
RQ1: Does temperature affect chirp rate in general?
RQ2: Do species differ in their chirp rates?
RQ3: Do species respond differently to temperature?
Null Hypotheses:
Null Hypotheses for hypothesis testing:
1. H₀: Temperature has no effect (βtemp = 0)
2. H₀: No species difference (βspecies = 0)
3. H₀: No interaction (βtemp×species = 0)
Analysis of Variance Table
Model 1: rate ~ temp + species
Model 2: rate ~ (temp + species)^2
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
1 28 89.350
2 27 85.074 1 4.2758 1.357 0.2542
Result: Interaction not significant (p > 0.05). Choose simpler model without interaction
lm(formula = rate ~ temp + species, data = crickets)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3.0128 -1.1296 -0.3912 0.9650 3.7800
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -7.21091 2.55094 -2.827 0.00858 **
temp 3.60275 0.09729 37.032 < 2e-16 ***
speciesO. niveus -10.06529 0.73526 -13.689 6.27e-14 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 1.786 on 28 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9896, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9888
F-statistic: 1331 on 2 and 28 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Temperature effect: +3.75 chirps/°C (p < 0.001)
O. niveus: 17 fewer chirps/minute (p < 0.001)
Statistical Evidence:
1. Strong temperature effect (p < 0.001)
2. Clear species difference (p < 0.001)
3. Similar temperature response (no interaction)
Valid within observed temperature range (15-32°C)
Only two species studied
Here are the key steps for performing inferential statistics using the cricket example:
with interaction terms between temperature and speciesrate ~ (temp + species)^2
title: "Example 02: Hypothesis Testing"
subtitle: "Experimental design in Education"
author: "Jihong Zhang*, Ph.D"
institute: |
Educational Statistics and Research Methods (ESRM) Program*
University of Arkansas
date: "2025-08-18"
warning: false
message: false
page-layout: full
toc: true
toc-depth: 2
lightbox: true
code-fold: show
#jupyter: python3
## Research Question & Data
- Data were collected for two species: *O. exclamationis* and *O. niveus*. The data are contained in a data frame called `crickets` with a total of 31 data points.
- Study on cricket chirp rates and temperature for two species
- Data:
- Temperature (°C)
- Chirps per minute
- Species: (A) O. exclamationis (B) O. niveus
- Scientists are interested in whether the temperature affects crickets' chirp rates.
**Research Questions:**
- RQ1: Does temperature affect chirp rate in general?
- RQ2: Do species differ in their chirp rates?
- RQ3: Do species respond differently to temperature?
### Load the data into the R
#| eval: false
## If you did not install modeldata and tidyverse packages, execute following codes:
```{r setup}
data(crickets, package = "modeldata")
## Data Visualization
aes(x = rate, fill = species, color = species)) +
geom_density(alpha = .5)
```{r cricket_plot}
#| warning: false
aes(x = temp, y = rate, color = species)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = lm, se = FALSE) +
labs(x = "Temperature (C)",
y = "Chirp Rate (per minute)")
## Statistical Hypotheses & Model
**Null Hypotheses:**
1. Temperature has no effect on the chirp rate.
2. There are no differences between the species’ chirp rate,
- e.g., overall chirp rate and sensitivity to temperature
**Null Hypotheses for hypothesis testing:**
1\. H₀: Temperature has no effect ($β_{temp}$ = 0)
2\. H₀: No species difference ($β_{species}$ = 0)
3\. H₀: No interaction ($β_{temp×species}$ = 0)
```{r model_fit}
# Full model with interaction
interaction_fit <- lm(rate ~ (temp + species)^2, data = crickets)
## Model Diagnostics
```{r diagnostics}
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(interaction_fit, which = 1) # Residuals vs Fitted
plot(interaction_fit, which = 2) # Normal Q-Q
## Testing Interaction Effect
```{r test_interaction}
# Fit main effects model
main_effect_fit <- lm(rate ~ temp + species, data = crickets)
# Compare models
anova(main_effect_fit, interaction_fit)
**Result:** Interaction not significant (p \> 0.05). Choose simpler model without interaction
## Final Model Results
```{r final_model}
- Temperature effect: +3.75 chirps/°C (p \< 0.001)
- O. niveus: 17 fewer chirps/minute (p \< 0.001)
## Model Predictions
```{r predictions}
new_temps <- data.frame(
species = "O. exclamationis",
temp = seq(15, 25, by = 5)
predict(main_effect_fit, new_temps)
## Conclusions
**Statistical Evidence:**
1\. Strong temperature effect (p \< 0.001)
2\. Clear species difference (p \< 0.001)
3\. Similar temperature response (no interaction)
- Valid within observed temperature range (15-32°C)
- Only two species studied
## Takeaway Note: the key steps
Here are the key steps for performing inferential statistics using the cricket example:
1. Data visualization and propose Null Hypotheses
- Temperature has no effect on chirp rate
- No differences between species' chirp rates
2. Fit Initial Model
- Used `lm()` with interaction terms between temperature and species
- Formula: `rate ~ (temp + species)^2`
3. Check Model Diagnostics
- Examined residual plots vs predicted values
- Checked normality of residuals using Q-Q plot
- Verified assumptions were reasonable
4. Test Model Components
- Compared models with/without interaction using ANOVA
- Found interaction term was not statistically significant (p \> 0.05)
- Selected simpler main effects model
5. Interpret Final Model
- Analyzed **coefficients** and **p-values** for temperature and species effects
- Temperature showed significant positive effect
- Species showed significant difference in baseline chirp rates
- Limited conclusions to observed temperature range